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MSN custom colors for your font! MSN Emoticons list overview! Find a Date for online chats! Quality Hosting specials for Messers! free msn games

 MSN Business Messenger
MSN Business Messenger

timothy says ( 19 Oct 2002 ):


Another update on the MSN Business Messenger, a new screenshot has been released; take a look at it here. And say your thingy in our blog topic. [Source: ieXbeta]


dwergs says ( 19 Oct 2002 ):


Free email virus protection and increase your Internet speed with 100% at the same time with Marketscore. Judging from the look of my Inbox, a lot of you got viruses without knowing about it :|

 Polygamy Patch for 4.6.0083
Polygamy Patch for 4.6.0083

dwergs says ( 18 Oct 2002 ):


I simply can not count the requests I got for a polygamy patch for MSN Messenger 4.6.0083! Since Microsoft changed their code a bit, ElectroPhreak's all-round patcher refused to work with the latest version. But triple hurray for ElectroPhreak who took the time to make an additionalpolypatch for build 0083. Get it here. Thanks go out to Hueve as well for supplying the patch.

 Mess Press: Joepie
Mess Press: Joepie

dwergs says ( 18 Oct 2002 ):


Mess with MSN Messenger got some press coverage from a popular Dutch teen mag called Joepie. Thank you Steven Van Reeth! Read their comments and view the article here.

 MSN Business Messenger
MSN Business Messenger

dwergs says ( 18 Oct 2002 ):


Nicholas sent me a stunning screenshot of MSN Business Messenger 1.0. Notice the SMS and fax notification, extra transfer status (sending a 258mb file through MSN!) and MS Office integration. By the look of it, this fancy enterprise IM client will be released in 2003. Adobe Photoshop running in the background makes me a little bit suspicious about the validity of this screenshot. What do you think? Fake or not? Hot or not? You can leave your comments.


m_chibi says ( 17 Oct 2002 ):


A sad message from Neowin: "Due to mis-understandings about ads on Neowin we have been forced to close the site. We already have offers of hosting and are not looking in that direction right now.
We are not sure at the moment what will happen with the site."
Keep it up Neowin, you ARE undeniably one of the best!

 Interview with Raja Abburi
Interview with Raja Abburi

dwergs says ( 16 Oct 2002 ):


This night I was very lucky to discover an invitation to chat with MSN Messenger director, Raja Abburi. It was the ideal moment for me to ask him about the most desired features you guys have been e-mailing me about (+150 contacts, skinning, editing status phrases, etc). Read the transcript of the exclusive Q&A session.

 Hotmail v9.06
Hotmail v9.06

dwergs says ( 16 Oct 2002 ):


Hotmail v9.06 was released today! Yay, finally a search function ("Find a Message"). Other important changes:

- Custom Filter;
- Antivirus: scanning available to all users, cleaning to subscribers only;
- Junk Mail Filter: changed settings and interface;
- Message/Attachment Size: The limit is increased for subscription accounts;
- Users can now easily view Inbox mail from everyone, only people in their contacts list, or only people that aren’t in their contacts list.
- Hotmail Services Links moved to a new location on the Account Name line.

[Source:] [Reported by Timothy]

 MSN 8 Television Commercial
MSN 8 Television Commercial

timothy says ( 16 Oct 2002 ):


MSN 8 is ready to be shipped, so are the commercials. Take a look at one of the commercials you can see on your television screen soon here.

 Windows Messenger Spam
Windows Messenger Spam

dwergs says ( 16 Oct 2002 ):


DirectAdvertiser, notorious for its classic ICQ spam tool, has discovered a method to target commercial messages to Windows users. Spamming is done through the Windows RPC (Remote Procedure Call) function and 'attacks' IP address ranges. Even though it looks like it's coming from the MSN Messenger Service, it's not. Let's hope that never happens. [Source: The Register]


timothy says ( 16 Oct 2002 ):


Slowly MSN is changing color. Some sites still have the old style, and some already have the new MSN 8 style. For an instance the hotmail site looks brighter, and the MSN search engine had a make over a few days ago... looks like they couldn’t take the fact that Mess had a restyle and get away with it.


timothy says ( 16 Oct 2002 ):


A study made by comScore Media Metrix for Microsoft’s Advantage Marketing site shows that messenger has at least 29,428,000 unique users. It also shows that only 11% of the users has the age of 55+, and 53.7% are women. For more statistics on msn messengers (and how to buy an advertisement) look at the advantage marketing site.

 MSN Messenger interoperatable with Mac
MSN Messenger interoperatable with Mac

dwergs says ( 16 Oct 2002 ):


"MSN Messenger will interoperate with Mac's Instant Messaging service and allow both systems to share buddy lists [...]" [Source:]

 Dutch Help File
Dutch Help File

dwergs says ( 16 Oct 2002 ):


Mijn excuses aan de Belgische en Nederlandse bezoekers: er is op dit moment geen in jullie moedertaal omdat de meeste mensen wel een beetje Engels kunnen én een heleboel zaken op deze site zichzelf wel uitwijzen. Wil je toch wat meer info, dan vind je die vanaf nu hier. (For your information: this message was Dutch. I was telling visitors from Belgium and The Netherlands to check out my Dutch help page).

 Messenger Plus 2.00 progress
Messenger Plus 2.00 progress

dwergs says ( 16 Oct 2002 ):


Just look at this! IRC-like commands (eg. /block), 1200 characters per message, POP3 e-mail checker (!), Boss Protection... Patchou's Messenger Plus! is gonna rrrawk when it's released!

 IE 7
IE 7

m_chibi says ( 15 Oct 2002 ):


So there have been some persons who have gotten their hands on an official version of Internet Explorer 7. They proved this with some screenshot. However Bunnios has proven the fact it is without a doubt a fake.

His explanation:
The about box, as you can see the box on the left is the one from the IE7 fake and the one on the right is from Windows Whistler Build 2462 (Xp for those of you who are new) What first struck me as a very clever part of the fake was the fact that the windows flag has been replaced with the XP final one on the IE7 fake, however it is noticeable that the version build 7.0.2462.000.main.010315-17:39 (which literally means it was built on 15-03-01 at 17:39) is identical on both shots.

Secondly the product ID is that of a Whistler beta and not of Xp final or .NET betas (XP pro final product key begins 55274).
Screenshot here.

It is also painfully obvious that this is XP build 2462 because of that fucking recycle bin with handles, which were removed shortly after this build. Screenshot here.
(left= IE7, right=Xp 2462)

More rumours, features that may be included on IE 7:
I will continue my Browser news
Here are rumours from usernet

1. There will be a spell cheacker for forms and for people who have office 11 there will be a thesauruse both will work the same way is the right click menu that already exists in MS word(red underline etc)
2. Popups. There will be no popup stoper but there will be limits on what popups can do (no full screen and multiple popups etc)
3. Tabs there is likely to be some sort of tab UI but it is likely to be different to the in Mozilla and Opera.
4. The will some sort of theme ability similar to that of Opera
5. There will be many new fetures for window XP that will not be in 98,98se,me to do with the abilities of the operating system.

there will be no version for Windows NT4
Found on Mozillazine.

 MSN 8 Butterflies
MSN 8 Butterflies

dwergs says ( 15 Oct 2002 ):


If you live in New York City and saw a colorful flock of butterflies on the street today, you weren't hallucinating. Microsoft is deploying the B-Fly Bladers to spread the word of MSN 8. Missed them or living somewhere else? Check these human b-flies out here, but try NOT to laugh ;) [Source: Microsoft's Press Pass]

 Visual Basic Security
Visual Basic Security

Zero1 says ( 14 Oct 2002 ):


To all the people that program bots and whatnot in Visual Basic, we would like to remind you of a few venerabilities in Visual Basic's compiled exe. If you have any text that you want to hide, use some sort of encryption to hide it. The things that you can see using any regular program like notepad are form elements, forms, modules, .vbp location, some odd code and variables.

 Contact List Manager
Contact List Manager

dwergs says ( 14 Oct 2002 ):


Can't handle your long contact list anymore? Look no further: the Contact List Manager by ~Taz is the most advanced buddy list manager for MSN Messenger ever unleashed! Add personal descriptions to your contacts, (un)block or appear offline to entire groups, take a look at your 'rejection list' and much more: all bundled and available for download here.

 File Transfer
File Transfer

m_chibi says ( 13 Oct 2002 ):


I'm starting to like Mr. Timothy. Do you have a problem with the MSN Messenger file transfer? I know lots of people who do, usually this is because they are behind a firewall using a proxy, or they are using a network.
Well Mr. Timothy showed me how you could solve this problem. You can find his tutorial here. This solution applies to all the problems mentioned in the beginning. This is tested for XP, but it should work on the other OS's too.

- For firewalls it will work almost the same way, just configure it that port 6891 until 6900 are opened for TCP usage.
- For proxy, you do need access to the proxy settings.

 Another sign
Another sign

timothy says ( 13 Oct 2002 ):


With only a few days to go it is going to look like Microsoft is laying the last hand on Messenger 5.0. Slowly they are activating the new features on the msn sites. One of them is MSN Today, a small pop-up screen that can also be found in other IM programs, like ICQ and AIM, that will provide you with the latest news.
English version / Dutch version

 Msn 8.0
Msn 8.0

m_chibi says ( 13 Oct 2002 ):


How long is the word out that MSN 8.0 is going to be released (release date = 24th October), since Oct. 9 right? Praise the people at Winbeta, because they have gotten their hands on an official version of this toy that everybody wants ;) (no BETA). You will be needing an actual MSN 8.0 account to make it work. Enjoy the screenshot here or read the actual story here.

Click Here!

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