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Patriotic Messenger campaign by Chinese messers
 Inky says ( 18 Apr 2008 ):
The Olympic Games of 2008 held in Beijing have recently been put in a negative spotlight, mostly by the Western media reporting on Tibet. Now, Chinese messers are trying to show China some love by putting "(L) China" in front of their nicknames, and in some cases a display picture showing a big heart.
Over 800,000 messers seem to have already joined the campaign, a number that is likely to increase even further over the next days (and weeks).
The concept certainly isn't new -- previous "campaigns" included the mourning of the death of Steve Irwin, the victims of the terrorist bombings in Madrid in 2004 and the tsunami victims of 2005, not to forget about the more recent, and very succesful, i'm initiative.
There are also critics of the campaign and the recent media attention for Tibet, like sushipanda: "Does anyone actually think a battle this mindless and solipsistic is going to have a clear winner, or even less likely, a clear compromise?".
>> Article on Shanghaiist about the campaign >> Discuss this on our forum!
[Reported by: punktux & JTAN]
i'm Initiative big success
 Inky says ( 16 Apr 2008 ):
About twelve months ago Microsoft started the i'm Initiative. By placing a special emoticon in your nickname and starting a conversation with one of your buddies, you could donate money towards a charity without ever giving away a dime yourself.
Charities like the Sierra Club, American Red Cross, the National Aids Fund, National Multiple Sclerosis Society and Susan G. Komen for the Cure benefited greatly from participating in the initiative, with close to 1.5 million US dollars raised so far. Unicef takes home the prize though, with over $255.000 being raised for the Child Survival program, making it the favorite charity of messers.
The i'm Initiative isn't over however, so keep those conversations going, and be sure to put one of the following emoticons in your nickname!
*sierra - Sierra Club [link] *bgca - Boys and Girls Clubs of America [link] *9mil - [link] *komen - Susan G. Komen for the Cure [link] *mssoc - National Multiple Sclerosis Society [link] *red+u - American Red Cross [link] *unicef - UNICEF [link] *naf - National AIDS Fund [link] *help - [link]
>> News article at Earth Times >> Learn more about the i'm Initiative
Coming soon: Thirty Messenger Heroes
 dwergs says ( 14 Apr 2008 ):
The makers of the Love Family and Fun Family emoticon packs are prepping a new Messenger goodie according to the same, succesful formula: 30 high-quality, animated emoticons for Windows Live Messenger for free.
The current theme: HEROES (more in a The Incredibles than Hiro Nakamura kinda way). The cute but tough-looking brave ones pictured in this preview show great promise, so watch this space where I'll post the links as soon as it's released.
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