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Patch that Dutch: Polygamy & Ad-remover for MSN Messenger 6.1.0203
 dwergs says ( 22 Nov 2003 ):
For polygamy (multiple MSN), we have to bow for the king of polygamy patches, Mr. Asdfuae who's MSN Messenger 5 patch still does the trick for all versions released thereafter, including this one, and can thus safely be called a "universal polygamy patch".
Onno released his Patcher++ for build 203 pretty fast. This patch leaves you the choice between removing the ads, enabling polygamy or both. Download Patcher++. |
Updated: Messenger Plus! 2.52.72
 dwergs says ( 22 Nov 2003 ):
Messenger Plus!'s Patchou is going full throttle with yet another updated build: 0072. Reported changes include:
- Improved memorising and restoring of the contact list window position;
- The notifications configuration window now has a 4th option to explicitly select contact sign-ins (only available when you enable sign-in notifications in the preferences);
- "Status change to: Online" notification will display notifications only when the contact was already online and changed his/her status back to Online;
- Messenger Emoticons are displayed from Messenger resources: they look much better in the Quick Icon panel and display skinned emoticons as well.
>> Download the updated Messenger Plus! now!
>> Complete list of version changes.
[Reported by: EvilSeph] |
MSN Messenger 6.1.0203 Released
 zipp says ( 22 Nov 2003 ):
Yet again, MSN have released a silent update to MSN Messenger. This update is only a minor one, so no major changes. The only thing this does is put all of our skins and some addons out of date yet again.
MSN are really making it hard for messers and developers alike. Stay tuned for any updates to your favorite skins and addons. That's if people don't decide just to wait for the next major update to arrive.
If you would like this minor update, it can be downloaded from the following:
Windows 9x Windows 2000/XP
NOTE: You will lose any skins you may have and some addons may not function until the developers have released an update.
[Source: EvilSeph | Reported by: Wabz] |
Besides Hotmail, a new homepage coming up
 dwergs says ( 21 Nov 2003 ):
"You have been randomly selected to represent online users in a quick survey about the new MSN Homepage Beta." That's the message you get, together with a written personal note, when you visit, Microsoft's webpage test lab. This means soon visitors of the regular will be presented with a real survey and a restyled homepage. The homepage preview you see when you click the link above is not to be taken for official yet. For example, the MSN Messenger icon links to a parked Internet address, |
8000 custom images for MSN Messenger 6 reached
 dwergs says ( 21 Nov 2003 ):
While very sick since Tuesday and against my doctor's advice, I crawled out of my bed and decided to spend some energy in today. So I approved enough submitted display pictures and emoticons to extend the collection to over 8000 custom images for MSN Messenger 6. Can I have a big applause for the dedicated Messers who take the time to create, upload and share their images with hundred thousands of fellow Messers? Thank you!
There's a new display picture category dedicated to the Finding Nemo blockbuster and we're hoping to see contributions to the currently empty Special Events & Occasions category, where display pictures for birthdays, anniversaries and of course (upcoming) events like Christmas are to be gathered. Surprise us!
Added: Song 2 Nick Plus! Plugin
 dwergs says ( 21 Nov 2003 ):
Plus! users can now easily and automatically change their nickname to the song currently playing in WinAmp 2, 3 or 5, Windows Media Player 9 and MusicMatch Jukebox 8.1 with the Song 2 Nick plugin for Messenger Plus! created by Wouter Veneklaas. |
AT&T Wireless subscribers to have virtually anytime access to MSN
 dwergs says ( 21 Nov 2003 ):
AT&T Wireless Services Inc. is going to provide its mMode subscribers with the access on-the-go to the MSN Internet services by the end of the year.
mMode, a high-speed mobile phone and data network launched this week, will be able to access MSN Hotmail, MSN Messenger and content offered by MSN.
[Source: Microsoft PressPass] |
New MSN 6 Game: Cubis
 timothy says ( 21 Nov 2003 ):
Out of the blue it appeared on my launch site list only minutes after I last clicked it. MSN has introduced a new MSN 6 game called Cubis.
How does it work ? Line up 3 blocks, and they will disappear as if they never existed (exciting huh!). For now it seems that this game is only available for people with an English configured passport account.
So have fun exploring a whole new demension of fun! |
New Hotmail is weeks away!
 Johnny_Mac says ( 19 Nov 2003 ):
MSN Hotmail is just weeks away from being re-launched with an all new look and some new features.
Some of these features include redesigned contact listings and searching, new look 'Today' page, identified junk mail and a report junk e-mail feature.
Go to and click the 'see a preview' link above the sign-in panel for more information.
Thanks lylesback for the info.
UPDATE: Some regional Hotmail sites don't show this link, so here's a preview movie for international users. |
Custom Emoticons & Display Picture Gallery
 dwergs says ( 18 Nov 2003 ):
Reminder: Sign up for Nokiagame today
 dwergs says ( 18 Nov 2003 ):
Because I know you Messers are SO gonna like this, I'm stressing you shouldn't miss the Nokia Game 2003 experience that takes off tomorrow, so sign up for free today!
The 10-day multimedia game is composed of three parts: an interactive game, communication options (Internet, SMS, email, chat...) to connect players, and interaction with the game´s virtual avatar, Flo, the 18 year-old heroine of the story --don't be freaked when she actually CALLS you!
Although solo competition to take on the AnyOne Clan is possible, I encourage you to recruit a team of your own, of up to five friends (don't forget to invite them to sign up).
Fun guaranteed and even better: the best players per country will win one of the many Nokia N-Gage™ game decks.
> Sign up for NokiaGame (English popup for participants worldwide);
> Or NokiaGame Nederlands (popup for people from Belgium & The Netherlands).
MSN Messenger-enabled watch delayed
 dwergs says ( 18 Nov 2003 ):
Watches equipped with Microsoft's Smart Personal Objects Technology (SPOT) won't be available in the U.S. and Canada until early next year, so you will have to remove it from your Christmas wishlist. MS and watchmakers Fossil & Suunto Oy of Finland only recently started a large test, too late to make the December gift-giving season. Microsoft will talk about SPOT at the 2004 CES in January, but would not say if CES will be the launch venue for the watches that are able to receive MSN Messenger messages. [Source:]
Updated: MsgPlus! 2.52 Released
 zipp says ( 16 Nov 2003 ):
In response to the recent server problems with the formatting tags in MsgPlus, Patchou has released a fix along with several other important fixes and features.
You can read more on this update, or proceed to download it now if the auto updater hasn't done so already!
NOTE: You must use the /nick command if you want formatted nicknames. Please refer to the MsgPlus version history page for more information.
Now you all can enjoy your formatted nicknames once again! |
My Hommage to Sinterklaas
 dwergs says ( 16 Nov 2003 ):
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