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MSN custom colors for your font! MSN Emoticons list overview! Find a Date for online chats! Quality Hosting specials for Messers! free msn games

 Added: Hackers display pictures
Added: Hackers display pictures

dwergs says ( 22 May 2004 ):


hackers display picturesMesser underdark uploaded 59 display pictures taken from the '95 electro-thriller Hackers starring Angelina Jolie.

>> Browse the Hackers display pictures.

Characters from this movie were called Zero Cool, Cereal Killer, Lord Nikon and the like. If you want to know you own hacker name, then try the nickname construction kit by Tim Jansen and me.

 Microsoft Officially Ships Office 2004
Microsoft Officially Ships Office 2004

dwergs says ( 21 May 2004 ):


Microsoft has officially announced that Office 2004 for Mac has been shipped and that there's a 30 Day Test Drive which allows users to try the software before they buy it.

Among other features, Office 2004 for Mac comes with complete MSN Messenger for Mac 4.0 integration so users can launch instant conversations directly from a comment in Microsoft Word.

>> View a screenshot

[Source: The Mac Observer] in UK's .NET Magazine? in UK's .NET Magazine?

dwergs says ( 21 May 2004 ):


Apparently was mentioned in UK's .NET Magazine recently. If anyone can make me a scan of the article, I'd love to see it. Same goes for any reference to anywhere and of any age: pictures or scans are welcome at! Thanks very much in advance! :)

**UPDATE: UK .NET Mag scans received from reisyboy (and text from JaiB). I'll post them later.

 Agile Messenger 2.10
Agile Messenger 2.10

SLim_Shady says ( 20 May 2004 ):


Agile Messenger 2.10Agile Messenger is a mobile instant messenger supporting MSN, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo!, QQ and Jabber; currently available for all Symbian devices, MS Smartphone and Pocket PC. Agile Messenger is updated to version 2.10, and can be downloaded here. It's free.

>> Visit Agile Mobile for more info

 Added: Catwoman Display Pictures
Added: Catwoman Display Pictures

dwergs says ( 19 May 2004 ):


catwoman display picturesJuly 23rd, Halle Berry will show her claws as Catwoman to co-star Sharon Stone on the silver screen (funny enough, Halle Berry played a character named Sharon Stone in The Flintstones). I've created 37 Catwoman display pictures for fans looking forward to the release!

>> Browse Catwoman display pictures.

>> Turn any image on the web into your display picture with IEDP 2.

 Added: Windows X's Edition 6.2.133
Added: Windows X's Edition 6.2.133

dwergs says ( 18 May 2004 ):


The ultimate MSN Messenger skinner has been updated for the recently released 6.2.0133! Changes in this new version are:

- 2 new skins: Crystal MSN (EvilSeph's Modification) & XIX MSN (lovecho's Modification);
- updated 4 skins: Aqua MSN (Xero's Modification); boo7msn (BooGhost's Modification); Mac Aqua X (Jab Inc's Modification); MSN Minimal (PK's Modification);
- fixed client and connection's stability problems;
- fixed Fun & Games problems;
- fixed button alignment in skin selection;
- flawless 6.2 skin update problems;
- multiline nickname patch removed;
- added donate option;
- changes to skin previewer;
- splitted skin chooser dialog.

>> Download MSN Messenger 6.2 Windows X's Edition 6.2.133

[Reported by: Rolando]

 Updated: SpeedyMSN 6.2.0133
Updated: SpeedyMSN 6.2.0133

dwergs says ( 18 May 2004 ):


SpeedyMSN by speedy_kevin is a modified version of MSN Messenger without some bells and whistles to make it faster and easier. The 6.2.0133 version of this mod is the first one to be released completely in English.

>> Download SpeedyMSN v6.2.0133.

>> Visit the SpeedyMSN homepage.

 Messenger Plus! 3 - Updates
Messenger Plus! 3 - Updates

SLim_Shady says ( 18 May 2004 ):


MsgPlus! 3Patchou thought some of you would be interested to see the "version info" file of Messenger Plus! 3 before the software is actually released. Well, here it is!

Please note, that not every bug fix/improvement is written in this file. If they were, the list would be more than twice longer (really).

[Source: MsgPlus! Forums]

 Added: More display picture glam
Added: More display picture glam

dwergs says ( 17 May 2004 ):


forgive me for putting britney on the front pageWith the help of the UNSTOPPABLE lpchick (I've never seen someone uploading 673 display pictures in just four days!), I've been able to add some new, seperate display picture categories dedicated to the world of fame:

>> Browse 43 Mischa Barton display pictures.

>> Browse 130 Britney Spears display pictures.

>> Browse 47 Ashton Kutcher display pictures.

>> Browse 85 Jessica Simpson display pictures.

>> Browse 17 Mandy Moore display pictures.

>> Browse 27 Craig David display pictures.

 dwergs says
dwergs says

dwergs says ( 17 May 2004 ):


I have started my personal blog revealing all the dirt on my private life, my weaknesses and my fetishes...

Yeah, you'd wish! ;) dwergs says will eventually replace the exit blog completely which is pretty dead anyway.

I'm not gonna shamelessly plug myself here, so find my blog's icon and click it! :)

 Lost-Clothing, because Broccoli is cool!
Lost-Clothing, because Broccoli is cool!

dwergs says ( 17 May 2004 ):


Oliver of Itselephants fame teamed up with designer Kyle to bring stylish urban clothing to the modern day rebellious youth (or adults). Their Lost Clothing web shop ships unique high quality tees, hats, hoodies, etc. worldwide and with a 30-day money back guarantee. Now who wouldn't want to wear a Broccoli is Cool t-shirt with pride?

 Final call to Link to and win!
Final call to Link to and win!

dwergs says ( 16 May 2004 ):


win a namco TV console!This week we will reward a webmaster linking to with an Atari-10-in-1-Ready-To-Go-Game-Console or Namco 5-in-1 Arcade Classics.

You can still enter our competition today by placing one or more of the linking codes (text or button) without modification on your website and inform us about it.

Note to already linking webmasters: only sites using exactly the suggested linking codes will be considered for the prize, so please verify.

 MsgPlus! 3 release date
MsgPlus! 3 release date

SLim_Shady says ( 16 May 2004 ):


MsgPlus! 3Patchou is proud to announce that the final public version of Messenger Plus! 3 will be released soon, in only a week from now! The release of Messenger Plus! 3 marks a major milestone in the world of Messenger add-ons and can easily be compared to the revolution brought by Messenger Plus! 2 more than a year ago. The user interface has been completely redesigned, everything looks more professional and appealing than ever before, new features have been added, old features have been improved, all of them are more accessible, more useful, and simpler to use.

Messenger Plus! 3 will be released along with a brand new version of, equivalently improved. The official public release date is Sunday, May 23rd 2004 at 8:00AM GMT. Prepare yourself for some serious change, MSN Messenger will never be the same! ;)

[Source: MsgPlus! forums]

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