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MSN Contact Enlarger 2.0
 dwergs says ( 22 Nov 2002 ):
MSN Contact Enlarger by 9InchWorM & Matty has been graphically improved in version 2.0, so if you haven't got this add-on yet, download it today. | Forums 4.0
 dwergs says ( 22 Nov 2002 ):
Well do a little dance and call me Daisy, the Forums are B-B-B-BACK! And it wouldn't be without the help of Zero1, Insane, Timothy, Chiechie and stunning gfx designer Dan! Praise to y'all! This forum is created to help each other with any MSN Messenger related problems and questions. One last piece of advice: keep the Mess forum clean and never forget about the rules.
Go ahead, register and have fun at! |
Microsoft Portrait 2.0
 dwergs says ( 21 Nov 2002 ):
Microsoft Portrait v2.0 has been released. The PC version is compatible with MSN Messenger 5.0. Now more Pocket PC cameras are supported, including HP Jornada pocket camera, Lifeview FlyCAM-CF camera, FlyJacket iCAM, Pretec CompactCamera and Intermec 6651 built-in camera. Now you can take a picture and send from your Pocket PC. The support to public SIP servers enables business applications. [Source: Microsoft Portrait 2.0 homepage] |
MP2.00 alpha testers
 dwergs says ( 21 Nov 2002 ):
Patchou is looking for alpha testers for Messenger Plus! 2.00. Only serious applications will be considered, as you will have to report daily, send chat logs for debugging reasons, etc. Read more here [Reported by Jae] |
Mobile Services grow
 dwergs says ( 19 Nov 2002 ):
Microsoft said on Tuesday it had signed up 13 new European mobile telecoms carriers to provide its Hotmail and Messenger services on handsets, bringing the total to 20 operators in 13 countries. [...] The mobile carriers who have now signed up include: TDC Mobile, Debitel/TDC, Telia Denmark, Talkline and Telmore in Denmark, Radiolinja and Telia Finland in Finland, Telenor Mobile in Norway, Telia Mobile in Sweden, O2 and KPN Mobile in the Netherlands, Turkcell in Turkey, Proximus in Belgium and Orange, Sunrise and Swisscom in Switzerland. [Source: The Economic Times (more)] |
First Poll
 dwergs says ( 18 Nov 2002 ):
We're going to have a weekly poll on As I'm still reviewing its format, here's a first test poll, but please do answer honestly. |
MSN Kontrol Centre
 dwergs says ( 17 Nov 2002 ):
MSN Kontrol Centre (not related to MSN Control Center) by Nidal Khater is without a doubt the most colourful add-on for MSN Messenger I've seen! But features are numerous too: edit your contact's nicknames for your ease, specific sound alerts & auto-responder per user, extensive logging, mass-mess(aging) and blocking, full screen alerts for the visually impaired and more. One important note though: It's NOT yet compatible with MSN 5.0 and up!. You'll have to use MSN 4.7 if you want MSN KC to work. Got that? Then get this. |
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