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 Johnny_Mac says ( 25 Jan 2003 ):
BetterName, is another add-on to run along side the fantastic Messenger Plus! 2.00. It originates from ginge, the creator of BetterMSN, and takes the ideas from other great Plus! add-ons such as Gradier and NickEXP! You can find out more and download it from here. Maybe Patchou should take the hint and add something like this into a feature version of Plus! ;) |
Messenger Plus! 2 Extension page
 dwergs says ( 25 Jan 2003 ):
I have dedicated a whole new sub-page to the wonderful world of Plus! 2.00. I know, I know, my MP2 fanatism is getting out of hand but I couldn't help it.
The object of the Messenger Plus! 2 Extension Page is not to provide a complete manual on each and every option in the add-on, but to extend the extension even further so you can enjoy the available features even more... maybe you'll learn things you -and Patchou himself- didn't know about!
It took a while to get this page together (and to say I'm in the middle of my exams!) but thankfully I got help from two cool messers: Midas (recreated 75 country flags with MP2 color tags) and Elzster (submitted commandos & tags).
Anyway, check it out. I'm still working on it, but the current content is already worthwile if you ask me. |
Online Status Check
 dwergs says ( 25 Jan 2003 ):
|'s Online Status Checker is now added to the features menu on the left for your daily use! Go on then, click it! |
Add-ons for MP2
 dwergs says ( 25 Jan 2003 ):
Two add-ons for an add-on have been added to the add-on section. Sounds weird, huh? But it's true: the following two little programs run alongside Messenger Plus! 2 and make use of its lovely colorfulness:
- NickEXP! by ~Taz (remember MSN Experience!) & A-W turns your dull display name into a multicolored extravaganza when it appears in the conversation window. And people who don't use MP2 will see your name in their contact lists without any weird characters. Download here.
- Gradier by Billy Woods, Mister JAD, Dark Sidious and Naosuke magically formats your instant messages into blending rainbows. Really, it's tripping! Feel free to download, but don't forget to download the French VB6 Runtimes along the way (hopefully Mister JAD compiles a version with the English runtimes soon). Thanks to Johnny_Mac for introducing me to this app!
I repeat it once more: you need the superb Messenger Plus! 2.00 extension to use these toys. |
 dwergs says ( 24 Jan 2003 ):
GMessIN, created by Microsoft certified developer, Gil Shabthai, has been added to our MSN Messenger add-on section. It includes several changers for your nickname, background, security message and conversation window look but the most apparent feature is the very easy emoticon word typer! Word is on the streets of Bangkok Gil is making one :)
This add-on comes in two versions: - GMessIN for MSN Messenger 5.0 (not XP): download. - GMessIN for MSN or Windows Messenger 4.x: download.
 dwergs says ( 23 Jan 2003 ):
More experienced MSN developers will find this the least bit interesting, but it looks like Zhefu Zhang (aka the codetiger.. wooooh!) has completely rewritten his tutorial on how to fetch a conversation from MSN Messenger (5.0) on Win2K or XP. Zhefu's example project called MessengerSpy++ has been given a new look as well. Watch and learn. |
 dwergs says ( 22 Jan 2003 ):
Just who isn't interested in meeting new, funny, cool and/or attractive people on the Internet? is an excellent place to start looking for them. It's absolutely FREE to join and welcomes people from the whole world! Browse the profiles, add your own (including photos) and find out who likes you at . Recommended by :D |
And you thought an outage was pretty bad
 dwergs says ( 22 Jan 2003 ):
After a two dreadful outages in January, one might lose his trust in Microsoft's instant messenger service. But things can get worse. A lot worse, if you look at what happened to MSN Messenger's biggest competitor: AOL Instant Messenger. Due to a huge security flaw in AOL's web-based e-mail system, anyone was able to request a "reminder" of someone else's AIM password. I don't know about you, but I'd rather have an outage once in a while than having my IM password exposed! [Source:] |
Arcane Light 4.0
 m_chibi says ( 21 Jan 2003 ):
Be trendy, be in, be the man, just be cool, download Eric's multifunctional high-technology tool. [Note from dwergs: What a jolly marketeer you'd make, Mr. m_chibi!]
Or in other words: Arcane Light, one of the best add-ons for your MSN Messenger has been upgraded to version 4.0 and you can get it here. IMPORTANT: This program doesn't work with MSN Messenger 5.0! You can always find a copy of MSN Messenger 4.x at
Comments from the creator of Arcane Light 4.0: eric - "download my program please" |
MSN Messenger Interactive Mode
 dwergs says ( 21 Jan 2003 ):
MSN Messenger Interactive Mode. That's not some hidden feature in MSN. It's not even a new bot on It's really a promising concept designed last year by four students at the Computer Science departement of the University of British Columbia. Basically, it visualizes your contact list as a chat room stuffed with colorful little MSN icons. If you're in for a chat you just have a seat at the table.
Curious how they think that should look like? Then observe the prototype they made or read their complete report.
If someone's inspired by this, don't forget to credit the inventive Ka man Leung, Rebecca Pang, Ivan Wan and Amelia Wat :) |
Online Block Checker
 dwergs says ( 20 Jan 2003 ):
The nice people from offered us to feature their convenient way to check if a certain address is signed into MSN Messenger or not! This means that in most cases you can even find out whether that person blocked you... directly from without having to download anything.
The Online Status Checker is available right here, right now. All thanks to and Timothy (for the esthetic touch)! |
Don't just like Pink, LOVE IT!
 dwergs says ( 19 Jan 2003 ):
Don't just like PINK, LOVE IT! And we're not talking about the singer, but an emoticon patch for MSN Messenger 5.0 created by emoticonizer Dreamingweb. Get these new MSN emoticons and enjoy pinkness.
Oh by the way, a little promo here and I'm not kidding you but there's a PaRtY dedicated to the color PINK on January 25th. DJ Timaxx, DJ Drezz, DJ Eerik & DJ Robby will spin & flip records @ Club Zazou in Lier, Belgium. |
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