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MSN custom colors for your font! MSN Emoticons list overview! Find a Date for online chats! Quality Hosting specials for Messers! free msn games

 Expect some downtime
Expect some downtime

dwergs says ( 08 Mar 2003 ):


Mess with MSN Messenger is expected to be down some time during this weekend for a hardware upgrade so don't panic when suddenly nothing shows up at We hope to be back harder, better, faster and stronger!

 Neowin forced down by microsoft
Neowin forced down by microsoft

timothy says ( 07 Mar 2003 ):


Apparently it seems that (one of the news sources of mess) has been taken down by Microsoft after posting the P2P SDK (the same one that was used for some parts of the threedegrees software). How long Neowin will be down nor the consequences for the site are known.

[Source: Activewin]

Update: Neowin is back and running.

 The Future of
The Future of

dwergs says ( 07 Mar 2003 ):


Just wanted to let you know tons of site improvements are lined up. When? You'll just have to be patient and see I guess ;)

 Microsoft Instant Messenger for corporations
Microsoft Instant Messenger for corporations

Johnny_Mac says ( 06 Mar 2003 ):


c|net reports: Microsoft plans to launch a trial version of its instant messaging software for corporations.

Microsoft's new server software allows businesses to support secure instant messaging on a network. In addition, it offers a bridge to Microsoft's popular consumer MSN Messenger IM network, giving it a potential jump on rivals lining up to court business customers with instant messaging products and services.

[Source: c|net]

 We Are The Robots
We Are The Robots

dwergs says ( 06 Mar 2003 ):


Added Galgje --a Dutch hangman bot reported by Marvin-- and RevolutionIMServ --from the earlier mentioned project of Duncan Lamb-- to the Intelligent Chat Bots list. Be polite, robots DO have feelings ;)

 Online Nickname Changer + Messenger Service & Version Stats updated
Online Nickname Changer + Messenger Service & Version Stats updated

dwergs says ( 05 Mar 2003 ):


Daniel Winter's phpNickChange and phpMsgrStats, both featured live on, have been updated to v1.3.

- The slash problem has been fixed in the Online Nick Changer and there is support for ÇØØl ÇhÄräç†Èr§. The source is now public on popular demand.

- The MSN Messenger Service & Version Stats are updated in performance and they log all servers problems ever.

Great work, Daniel!

 Boxed MSN nickname
Boxed MSN nickname

dwergs says ( 05 Mar 2003 ):


The boxed MSN Messenger nickname is a golden oldie featured in many add-ons, but Ahead reminded me to add it to the Nick Tricks page. Thanks!

 Outage in China
Outage in China

m_chibi says ( 05 Mar 2003 ):


According to a journalist of [snipped]* there was a giant MSN Messenger outage in China. The source of the problem was again a Microsoft employee. We might find out later why and how, so we will keep you informed. Due to security reasons we will not reveal his full name, but he is without a doubt a very reliable source.

*Update: He has asked us not to mention the site he works for due to, yes indeed, security reasons. [Source: Raeb Yloh]

 Your opinion on the layout & design
Your opinion on the layout & design

dwergs says ( 05 Mar 2003 ):


It's been five months since I completely redesigned and today I'm wondering if you grew to like the ultraviolent colors and if you got used to the navigation... or not. Depending on the results of this poll I may or may not renew the look of, so vote now.

 Intelligent Chatterbots on MSN Messenger
Intelligent Chatterbots on MSN Messenger

dwergs says ( 04 Mar 2003 ):


Next to professional enterprises like ActiveBuddy, MSN Messenger addicts like you and me are putting their chatbots online for you to add to your contact list and have fun with. I have updated the Intelligent MSN Messenger Chat Bots page with YakSpuiT and the Dutch NOS-Teletekst bot. Instructions to make your own and add it to our collection are at the bottom of the page.

 Yes, I was amazed too
Yes, I was amazed too

m_chibi says ( 04 Mar 2003 ):


A few weeks ago I was talking to Timothy and I told him that what msn messenger really needed was an emoticon that would look like an angel. "Not the (a) one", I said, but a real emoticon with a halo. From the moment I typed that with the "(a)" emoticon, surely I noticed that the emoticon HAD a halo. A big revelation I would say,... since I always thought it was some kind of hat. You would be surprised how much people didn't know that, if you had some sort of crazy idea of what it was, then join the fun and tell us what you thought it was HERE!!!!

 IM Cards
IM Cards

timothy says ( 04 Mar 2003 ):


Sometimes you just get bored, no one on MSN talking to you.. But what to do if you really love MSN ? Go play IM Cards ! This is a remake by DJ_Durst of the games Solitaire, FreeCell and MS Hearts has got a nice IM flavour to spice it up. Check it out over here.

 Mess with Messenger Plus! 2
Mess with Messenger Plus! 2

dwergs says ( 02 Mar 2003 ):


Messenger Plus! 2 is rapidly becoming the most popular add-on on in less than two months it moved from the 7th to the 3rd place in our TOP 10 MSN Messenger file downloads. Okay, we might've hyped the release a bit but why not? Messenger Plus! 2 simply kicks ass.

In fact, it kicks ass so much we keep an updated and fully dedicated MP2 section for a while now. Latest changes:

- SLim Shady made a contribution to the MP2 Easter Eggs page.

- The advanced MP2 options reported earlier this week are made a bit easier to tweak, thanks to a little and very basic app created by UnderDOC from Download it here (it requires MSXML, so if it crashes get the Microsoft XML Core Services first).

Click Here!

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