Main/News >> News Archives > The week of January 20 (2008) (you are here)

MSN custom colors for your font! MSN Emoticons list overview! Find a Date for online chats! Quality Hosting specials for Messers! free msn games News alerts are back... See? News alerts are back... See?

dwergs says ( 24 Jan 2008 ):


As some of you have noticed and kindly reported, our toasts disappeared from Windows Live Messenger about three months ago, due to some background adjustments we were unaware of. But thanks to Microsoft's Jim Fukasawa and Todd Biggs, the news alerts are live again. messenger news alerts

If you want to join ten thousands of Messers and be notified of new posts from within Messenger, sign up here.

 Microsoft to join Web 2.0 data portability group
Microsoft to join Web 2.0 data portability group

dwergs says ( 23 Jan 2008 ):


From, the fast-emerging group that wants to make it easier for users to share their personal contacts between different Web 2.0 and social media services, has landed perhaps its biggest fish yet: Microsoft Corp.

Microsoft will officially announce its intention to join the international workgroup within a day or two, according to a source close to the matter. The company began talking to soon after Google Inc., Facebook Inc. and Plaxo Inc. all announced their support several weeks ago, said the source.

Microsoft is a stealth social networking giant, with more than 400 million users with accounts at Hotmail, Windows Live Messenger or both. And in social media, Microsoft is a major player. According to Nielsen Online, Windows Live Spaces and MSN Groups together make Microsoft the second-largest social networking provider, behind MySpace but ahead of Facebook.

Still, Microsoft remains dogged by an anti-social reputation. Last Friday, reported that unnamed Silicon Valley social networking firms were accusing Microsoft of holding its users' personal contacts data hostage as leverage for partnership negotiations. Unnamed startups told that they had even received legal threats from Microsoft. Adam Sohn, a Microsoft director, said that the company had sent such letters only to companies that were bypassing its authorized API to "screenscrape" users' personal data.

>> Read the entire article here.

 Display Picture Tribute: R.I.P. Heath Ledger
Display Picture Tribute: R.I.P. Heath Ledger

dwergs says ( 23 Jan 2008 ):


Together with many movie buffs I'm mourning the sudden death of actor Heath Ledger. Hollywood just lost a very promising actor. The snippets of his performance of the homicidal clown, The Joker, in the upcoming Batman movie teaser gave me the creeps and now even more than before I'm looking forward to seeing that movie.

I added a few more Heath Ledger Display Pictures to the existing collection for the fans out there who want to honour the Academy Award-nominated Australian actor.

heath ledger msn display pictures heath ledger msn display pictures heath ledger joker msn display pictures heath ledger batman dark knight msn display pictures

>> Browse all Heath Ledger Display Pictures.

 Updated: Adium 1.2.1
Updated: Adium 1.2.1

dwergs says ( 21 Jan 2008 ):


The popular Messenger client for the Mac OS X platform has received an update. Adium 1.2.1 fixes a number of bugs, significantly reduces Adium's memory footprint (both by fixing a couple leaks and by optimizing memory usage), fixes the sending of titles links over MSN/Windows Live Messenger, improves the new Applescript dictionary, and corrects a gaggle of other issues.

>> Download Adium 1.2.1 for Mac OS X.

>> View the full changelog.

Click Here!

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