Main/News >> News Archives > The week of September 21 (2003) (you
are here) Chat Returns!
 zipp says ( 27 Sep 2003 ):
After a couple of days on a temporary server, TrueIRC is back on it's feet. The downtime was due to the movement of servers to another datacenter.
You can access the Official Chat Room right here!
[Reported by: Sean] |
Happy Mess-day! 2 years of
 dwergs says ( 27 Sep 2003 ):
The "dolce far niente" is over, back to
 dwergs says ( 27 Sep 2003 ):
As you can read I'm back from a four-day trip to the capital of Italy: Rome. Not a lot of Messers live there, but I did 'tag' the city with exclusive buttons. If you happen to live in Rome, hurry over to Café Renault on Via Nazionale and check underneath the blue front seats. First comes first served!
I also threw some buttons in the Trevi fountain for good luck, but I doubt they will survive the abundance of water. Not to mention you can get arrested for trying to pick up something out of the fountain ;)
(Backpack tip from dwergs: If you ever decide to spend a couple of days in this ancient metropolis, I seriously recommend staying at the Gulliver's House hostel) |
SMB Worm spreading through MSN Messenger
 dwergs says ( 27 Sep 2003 ):
A new network virus called Worm.Win32.Smbmsn.163840 was discovered two days ago by Asia-based Global Hauri. This worm spreads through MSN Messenger through a file called SMB.EXE. If the user accepts this file, it will send itself to all contacts on his or her contact list. If the user executes it, a DOS prompt will come up for about a second and disappears. This occurs because it unzips a couple of files to the C: root and windows directories. The file also tempers with the registry (see below for details).
Do NOT accept the file transfer of SMB.EXE (or any other suspicious file) in MSN Messenger!
An MSN spokesperson said the company is aware of the virus, and that users' best means of protection is to have a desktop anti-virus solution already installed, and to use MSN Messenger 6's anti-virus feature. The feature enables customers to link their desktop anti-virus software to the IM client, automatically scanning incoming files for viruses.
If you already accepted this SMB.exe file, here's how to remove it manually:
1) Go to task manager. (Ctrl+alt+del) and select the Process tab. 2) Click admagic.exe then click End Process 3) Go to the C: drive and delete smb.exe and admagic.exe. 4) Go to Windows directory and delete atl.dll, raw32x.dll, sm.dll and uz.exe. 5) Go to the registry (Start > Run > type "regedit" > click ok) and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Micorosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. Delete the svchost = admagic.exe string value.
[Source: Global Hauri &] |
IRC Chat offline
 timothy says ( 26 Sep 2003 ):
Sean just informed me that our chat server is down. It will be up tomorrow, so don't start checking whats wrong with your computer yet. |
Updated: Messenger Plus! 2.21.57
 zipp says ( 26 Sep 2003 ):
An update for the world's most downloaded addon for MSN Messenger has been released today by Patchou with some minor improvements on features such as the auto-update mechanism and Quick Texts.
So if you havn't updated via the auto update already you can download the new version from the official website at!
[Reported By: Wabz] |
Goodbye MSN Chat!
 zipp says ( 24 Sep 2003 ):
Today MSN announed that they are shutting down their chat servers in Europe, Middle East and most of Asia and Latin America on the 14th October 2003. The move comes as abuse of the chat network continues to rise. MSN are changing the way their operators work worldwide.
As the Child Protection charities welcome the move as a "Big step towards protecting new web users". Most messers will find the news disappointing.
An MSN Spokesperson remarked:
"We have been concerned about the chat rooms for a while and reached a stage where we were no longer prepared to put up with inappropriate communication."
MSN say that there will be no more free and unmoderated chat rooms on any of MSN's network. MSN say that any such chat rooms will be available only in Japan, America and Canada. MSN says these networks will be moderated 24/7 and will be on a credit card subscription only basis. This will help verify the age and identity of users on the chat network. This obviously means more money for MSN.
Child protection is not the only reason for this move says MSN, but also the minority of spammers who have used the chat network to build mailing lists. This contributes to the growing problem that we all so hate. MSN commented that a small minority of chatters have spoilt the chat for people of all ages.
So it seems MSN Chat is no more. Why not check out the Official Chat Room?
More information on this drastic move by MSN can be read at BBC News and MSNBC
Messers: Please note that it is the MSN chat servers shutting down, not MSN Messenger! Please also ignore the silly rumours being spread about Messenger as it is here to stay. |
Delay in publishing your contributions
 dwergs says ( 23 Sep 2003 ):
Lots of fanpics, emoticon fonts, tools, tips and even other kinda things have been submitted by Messers all around the world. Contributions not following the guidelines makes the approval procedure more lengthy for me, but I'm planning a big Inbox marathon in the weekend! Among others, certain people -you know who you are!- will see some of their stuff featured at last! :D |
Updated: MSN Messenger 6 Logviewer v1.3.5
 dwergs says ( 23 Sep 2003 ):
MouseMan's MSN Messenger 6 Logviewer has been updated: custom emoticons are now being logged visually, there's faster navigation between chat sessions, a new Leave-tag and special icons for games, webcam & audio conversations have been added and finally hyperlinking and chatlog fixing has been improved.
Download away! |
Shazam! 3000 Custom Emoticons now available!
 dwergs says ( 22 Sep 2003 ):
Updated: Messenger Plus! 2.21.56
 dwergs says ( 21 Sep 2003 ):
World's most downloaded MSN Messenger addon, Messenger Plus!, has been updated again. Version 2.21.56 comes with these changes:
- The display picture and the other new settings of Messenger 6 are now saved properly, all the time. - By default, the "auto away" feature now changes your status online when it is Online or Idle. If you want to keep the way the feature worked before, use the AutoAwayAlways registry setting. - The ResetNameTag registry setting has been added if you want to keep your name tag when you sign-out/sign-in. - Some translations have been updated.
Download Messenger Plus!.
[Reported by: SLim Shady] |
We welcome Hexic to our launch menu
 timothy says ( 21 Sep 2003 ):
A new game has become available in your MSN Messenger. This time its the Bejeweled like game Hexic. But thanks to poor coding of the sound events in this game, you can end up with a crashing MSN if you are using Download Accelerator Plus with internet explorer.
And now how to fix this stupid bug ?
- Disable DAP`s integration with internet explorer. (but this will disable DAP when you are browsing as well).
- Open up your DAP settings, and turn on the "Show Regular / Accelerated option" (now you have to press regular a zillion of times when you are launching the game, but you only have to do this once).
And are you still bored with all the games MSN offers? Just install your custom games. |
International Day of Peace
 zipp says ( 21 Sep 2003 ):
Today is the UN's International Day of Peace where a Global Ceasefire will be observed.
dwergs has made some nice display pictures to commemorate September 11th 2001 and to make us remember what a terrible thing terrorism is. It would be nice to see more display pictures being submitted to our CE/DP Database on this theme! Please put submissions into the Voilence and War category.
More information can be found here.
In memory of those lost in the name of peace. |
MSN Messenger Cartoon Promos for India
 dwergs says ( 21 Sep 2003 ):
Submitting CE/DPs to the Database
 zipp says ( 21 Sep 2003 ):
Thousands of Messers are actively submitting some excellent Custom Emoticons and Display Pictures to our database every day. We would like to thank all of you out there for contributing!
Just a reminder about the guidelines on submitting your great images to ensure that your images are listed as soon as possible!
All images Must be Static (non-animated) and Must be placed into the Correct Category!
Custom Emoticons must be 19x19 pixels. Display Pictures must be 96x96 pixels.
Please keep all the great submissions coming! By following these guidelines you can be sure that your quality submission will be added promptly! We regret that we do not have time to manually change categories so please stick to these simple rules to avoid deletion. Thank you all for your co-operation and submissions!! Keep them coming! |
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