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 Messenger Plus 2
Messenger Plus 2

timothy says ( 04 Jan 2003 ):


The release of Messenger Plus 2 has been delayed to january 6th. The first version still held too many bugs to be released today.

 Hoax Hoax Hoax!
Hoax Hoax Hoax!

dwergs says ( 03 Jan 2003 ):


Unlike the previously mentioned Yaha worm (and a lot of other nasty critters), not all virus alerts should be taken seriously. According to anti-virus firm, Sophos, an e-mail asking people to delete the file jdbgmgr.exe has been the most reported virus hoax for the last eight months (13.7% of all reported hoaxes). The e-mail claims the file is a virus spread by MSN Messenger, but in fact it's the Java Debugger Manager needed for some applets and JScript! Ok, you can't be too cautious when it comes to viruses, but make sure you check and double-check anti-virus sites before you fall for e-mail jokes like this one. [Source:]

 MSN Passport Outage
MSN Passport Outage

dwergs says ( 03 Jan 2003 ):


Microsoft said late Thursday that problems with its .Net Passport servers briefly locked some subscribers out of their online accounts. The trouble was rooted in the hardware linking the machines that power access to online accounts. [Source:]

 leaked mp2
leaked mp2

m_chibi says ( 02 Jan 2003 ):


Testers for the popular program Messenger Plus 2 have leaked the alpha version just before the official release date, which was scheduled january 4th. We strongly recommend not to download the alpha version since it will still include bugs, but nevertheless it is out there. The leaked version can be found on several news sites.

 Yaha Virus
Yaha Virus

dwergs says ( 01 Jan 2003 ):


Happy New Yaha? I think not so. W32.Yaha.K@mm is new and disturbing worm that terminates some antivirus and firewall processes. It uses its own SMTP engine to email itself to all the contacts in the Windows Address Book, MSN Messenger, .NET Messenger, Yahoo Pager, and all the files whose extensions contain the letters HT. The email message has randomly chosen the subject line, message, and attachment name. I know for sure some of you are infected, judging from recent e-mails I received :( Run the free removal tool by Symantec ASAP for the sake of yourself... and your contacts [Source: Symantec]


dwergs says ( 01 Jan 2003 ):


To all Messers out there: let's kick serious Mess-anger ass in 2003! I'm aware of several superb add-ons in the making, improvements will be made to existing features, there are plans for more subsections on this site and our Away Message competition is only the first in a series of compo's on!

On a more personal account I'd like to wish each individual visitor a year full of (L) and :D!

By the way, did you know the most logical date of origin of the Internet is January 1, 1983, when the ArpaNet officially switched from the NCP protocol to TCP/IP? This meaning today is the 20th birthday of the Internet! Hurray!

 Plus! Messenger 5 XP compatibility
Plus! Messenger 5 XP compatibility

dwergs says ( 30 Dec 2002 ):


Yesterday, Patchou announced: "I just solved the compatibility problem between Messenger 5 and Windows XP. You can now consider that Messenger Plus! 2 won't have any limitation of this kind." [Reported by: Jae] [Read more: Messenger Plus! Forum]

 office 11 feature
office 11 feature

timothy says ( 29 Dec 2002 ):


In the near feature MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger will integrate with Microsoft's new office 11 series. Users will have the function called Shared Workspace. It will give multiple users the ability to work on one and the same document in Word, Excel or Powerpoint. It will also provide task-schedules and user defined links. Take a look at a sample screenshot here. [Source : MSDN]

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