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MSN custom colors for your font! MSN Emoticons list overview! Find a Date for online chats! Quality Hosting specials for Messers! free msn games

 Update: Web Based MSN Messenger, now with chatting and emoticons
Update: Web Based MSN Messenger, now with chatting and emoticons

dwergs says ( 05 Jul 2003 ):


The earlier mentioned web-based MSN Messenger client by Jared now actually allows conversations (it never used to before) and emoticons are supported too.

As for the security aspect -and I know a lot of you were worried about this when I first linked to it- you just have to believe what Jared states in the FAQ:

"Q. Does this log passwords, conversations or anything else?
A. Definitely not!!"

Log into the Web Based MSN Messenger here.

 Another Plus! Update: 2.20.45 BETA now available!
<b>Another</b> Plus! Update: 2.20.45 BETA now available!

Johnny_Mac says ( 05 Jul 2003 ):


Non-stop Patchou delivers again. Half of you probably didn't get the chance to download Plus! 2.20.44, well no need to now. 2.20.45 BETA has been released today to fix some important bugs found in the last version. Read the Plus! updates to find out more about this version and other versions here.

Nothing more to say apart from get this new fix by clicking this link.

[Thanks to: SLim Shady]

 Time is ticking away.
Time is ticking away.

timothy says ( 05 Jul 2003 ):


Just a little notice to all our hard-core-messers. Our colleague site MSN|Fanatic is relaunching very soon. Or to be more precise in 1 day, 11 hour, 1 minute and 11 seconds. So feel yourself invited on the grand opening of the new site soon.

 Plus! Update: Download 2.20.44 BETA now!
Plus! Update: Download 2.20.44 BETA now!

Johnny_Mac says ( 04 Jul 2003 ):


A new Messenger Plus! update has been released today - 2.20.44 BETA. This version fixes several bugs; for example, you should not have emoticon or file sending problems anymore. Also, those who had problems with the Messenger 6 application, Boss Protection and Instant Lock features should have no more problems with this new fix.

Remember that you can also help Patchou by reporting bugs you find in Messenger Plus! to mplus* (replace * with @ ). If you help to solve a bug, your name will be added in the about box of the program :). For more info on how to create a proper bug report you should check this thread.
Find some Plus! limitations that you might consider as bugs and find the latest news about this update here.

Updated: New download here.

[Article written & reported by: SLim Shady]

 Big MSN Nickname Generator by Tim Vangenechten
Big MSN Nickname Generator by Tim Vangenechten

dwergs says ( 04 Jul 2003 ):


Tim Vangenechten made a lovely big MSN nick generator especially for Wow, we really appreciate that Tim! Give the Big MSN Nick Generator a spin...

Oh, and a happy Fourth of July to our American visitors! Here are two free patriotic screensavers for you: a Fireworks screensaver and a Land of Liberty one.

 Messenger Plus! tab for MSN Messenger
Messenger Plus! tab for MSN Messenger

Johnny_Mac says ( 04 Jul 2003 ): (with help from WDZ and Avid Motion Tech) have designed a Messenger Plus! tab for your MSN Messenger. You can find out latest news and general information about Plus! straight through your favourite messenger client.

At the moment, the tab is being tested, but if you can't wait for it to be added to the Plus! site, you can find out instructions how to add it manually here.

[Reported by: SLim Shady] IRC and MsgPlus! IRC team up ! IRC and MsgPlus! IRC team up !

Wolkje says ( 03 Jul 2003 ):


As some of our most loyal IRC visitors have already noticed, the channel and MsgPlus! channels are now on the same server. So if you use a mIRC client, feel free to drop by in both!

Connect to the chat! for mIRC clients. And be sure to join #msgplus while you're at it! No link for the webchat as you can only be in one channel in the webchat.

Be there when the latest beta's and patches are released!

[thnx to Sean & Sock for joining servers]

 Competition introducing the Mood Display Pictures
Competition introducing the Mood Display Pictures

dwergs says ( 03 Jul 2003 ):


Today we're launching a completely new display picture category called "Moods". With subcategories like 'angry', 'bored', 'in love' and 'superb', these MSN Messenger 6 avatars can be used to express your state of mind at any given moment.

Because there's only ONE Mood Display Picture right now (this one, made by me) I decided to run a competition to get this new category going! In a few weeks I'll reward TWO quality mood display picture submitters with a $25 gift certificate for the funky pre-printed CD-R shop called (check 'em out, they're awesome!). You can upload as many pictures as you want (and that will definitely increase your chances of winning) but quality is our main concern.

Please be inspired by this Photoshop template to get started (instructions included, example result here). Good luck!

Note: Sometimes the display pictures & emoticons gallery is inaccessible because too many messers are browsing it. In that case, please retry later :s

 Christmas is early this year with a new Messenger Plus !
Christmas is early this year with a new Messenger Plus !

timothy says ( 03 Jul 2003 ):


With a "Ho Ho Ho!" and a "Merry Christmas!" patchou just delivered his new version of Messenger Plus 2 Beta personally in our chat-room. 2 Days before it was scheduled.

So whats new ? Very much ! How much ?! A lot ! To give a few examples:

- Full compatibility with MSN Messenger 6
- Personal status tags
- Contact renaming
- Scripting support
- And Much Much More...

So lets start the party again, and pump up the volume with our most favorite tool in the world by point clicking over here.

 MsgPlus! Developers Pack
MsgPlus! Developers Pack

Wolkje says ( 02 Jul 2003 ):


As you know Patchou's newest MsgPlus! addon will have the possibilty to add your own plugins! Now he released a .zip file containing the neccesary files to begin creating plugins already!

The language for the plugins is C, so if you want to make your own stuff, you'd better know C or C++! Well I won't hold you off the pack any longer:

Download it here!

Thnx to wabz for putting it in my eye!

 Added: 7 emoticon fonts for MSN Messenger 6
Added: 7 emoticon fonts for MSN Messenger 6

dwergs says ( 01 Jul 2003 ):


Seven extra emoticon font sets for MSN Messenger 6.0 have been added to our downloads!

- Joker emoticon font by Joe

- Peachy Pink emoticon font by Oliver

- Urban emoticon font by Joe

- Clear Cut emoticon font by Oliver

- Vitamin emoticon font by Joe

- Solid Gold emoticon font by Oliver

- Untitled emoticon font by Joe

It's not aardvarks, it's elephants... Thanks Joe & Oliver!

 Messenger Plus! 2.20 BETA Update
Messenger Plus! 2.20 BETA Update

Johnny_Mac says ( 30 Jun 2003 ):


What more would you like from your Messenger Plus! software?

- Full MSN Messenger 6.0 compatibility
- New and reorganized preferences
- Customize your contacts' nick names!
- New IRC commands such as /all (to instant-ly message everyone you're talking to).
- Your own {personalised status' reasons}.
- Plug-ins: create your own Messenger Plus! features and add them in yourself!
- And finally, a new OPTIONAL sponsor which will include, "no more network problems, no more adult links"

Expect all this when it goes BETA around July 5th. For more details about what Patchou's been up to, check this post.

 MSN Messenger 6.0 Confirmed Release Date
MSN Messenger 6.0 Confirmed Release Date

Johnny_Mac says ( 30 Jun 2003 ):


Those of you who took Wolkje's advice will have already seen the new look site for MSN Messenger 6 and also seen the confirmed release date of Thursday, July 17, 2003 on the 'What's New' and 'Known Issues' pages.

What's also noted is the removal of the Windows Messenger download from the new look site. Only time will tell if it is to re-appear in the future...

 New download link for MSN 6
New download link for MSN 6

Wolkje says ( 30 Jun 2003 ):


Yet another official link has been found with a download to MSN 6. But this one differs from all the others! It's got that same style as the download page for the old versions, and lot's of information on emoticons, backgrounds etc.
So this could very well be the site where the release version will be placed!

There is, among things, a list of emoticons, and overviews of all the backgrounds and displaypictures that will be in the release version!(?) Let's all hope they will, cause they're looking good!

So hurry up and go take a look here!

**Update: Esoteric reported that at the moment the setup program you can download from this site includes MSN Messenger 5.0 instead of the 6.0 preview.

[Thanks to ryguy2008 and Johnny_Mac]

 New dog, Old funny trick
New dog, Old funny trick

timothy says ( 29 Jun 2003 ):


Long time ago, when Mess was still in its diapers, some people discovered how to use multiple colors in your conversation without using a external add-on. And now it also seem to work on MSN Messenger 6. How? Pretty simple:

1) Type your first line
2) Hit Shift + Enter
3) Add a special symbol (like • )
4) Type your second line of text

The first line will appear in your own color, the second line in black.

[Thnx: Jonathan Ellis for telling this ain't fixed yet]

 Mess with Mess Templates
Mess with Mess Templates

timothy says ( 29 Jun 2003 ):


A lot of people already have made ultra-funky display pictures. But it is hard to create a good looking picture with only the small images on this page. So thats why we are helping you out with the original logo templates. I have converted them to different file formats so you can always use your favorite editor.

And have you finished your piece-o-artwork ? Don't hesitate to upload it in the "not categorized" part of our display picture section.

 Windows Messenger 5 Build 5.0.0292 Released
Windows Messenger 5 Build 5.0.0292 Released

Wolkje says ( 29 Jun 2003 ):


In all the talk about MSN 6, somewhere, Windows Messenger got lost. But there's a new version coming up. The release is limited though, to only Greenwich RTC beta testers, so we will have to wait for it!

As you can read on neowin no new functions or other updates have been done, probably only some bugfixes. Instead they only gave a list of known issues.

Not big news, but in all the MSN 6 talk, worth mentioning!

[source: neowin and wabz for the hint]

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