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Runaway girl dead after suicide pact with MSN Messenger buddy
 dwergs says ( 04 Sep 2004 ):
A teenage girl died yesterday after entering into an apparent suicide pact with a friend she had contact with on MSN Messenger.
Laura Rhodes, 13, and 14-year-old Rebecca Ling were returned home by police last week after running away together. But early yesterday morning the two girls were rushed to hospital after apparently taking a drugs overdose at Laura's home in Neath, south Wales. Laura was later confirmed dead while Rebecca was last night said to be in a "stable" condition. Rebecca's family yesterday said they were shocked and had no idea what could have driven the happy and popular girls to run away from home and take a drug overdose.
The two teenagers, who met and became friends over a year ago on MSN Messenger, had only just been returned to Neath by police after they went missing last Wednesday. They had returned from a holiday to the Greek island of Crete with Laura's family. The teenagers had met a few times and Laura had stayed with Rebecca for a week earlier this year. Following the holiday, Rebecca had been due to travel home to Birmingham on Wednesday from Laura's house. But after Laura was left at the station to wave goodbye to her friend, the girls boarded a train together.
Police launched a nationwide hunt and they were found in Bath on Friday. Their families expressed great relief and Rebecca had been spending the night at Laura's home before she was due to return to her own home yesterday.
Laura's mother discovered the girls collapsed in her daughter’s bedroom with a bottle of pills by their side. The teenagers left a note saying they did not want to be parted again. Rebecca's mother, Alison Ling, and her natural father, David, were last night keeping a vigil at their daughter's bedside in hospital. Ling's partner, Neil Fisher, said Rebecca had woken once but had drifted back to sleep, so no one had heard her version of the terrible events.
[Source:] |
Gilly Messenger 3 Released
 timothy says ( 03 Sep 2004 ):
Our friends at CrackSoft have released the final build of Gilly Messenger 3. One of the best MSN Messenger alternatives available. Beside a lot of features the official Messenger client has, Gilly Messenger has some remarkable features like:
- Multiline nicknames. - Talk to people while they're blocked. - Keep talking to people even after appear offline. - Keep talking to people even after signing out. - Many more.... So, set your coordinates to the download section now. |
Please evaluate our Freemoticons
 dwergs says ( 03 Sep 2004 ):
Freemoticons are completely cost-FREE & adware/spyware-FREE automatic installers for MSN emoticons and/or display pictures. With just a couple of clicks and with the ease of installing freeware software, our Freemoticons add emoticons directly into your MSN Messenger 6. No more browsing, naming & shortcut entering over and over again, but brings you instant satisfaction at absolutely NO charge & NO bundled spyware like similar installers.
We released 10 Freemoticons already, the most popular one being downloaded +400.000 times from this site and almost 250.000 times from (we nearly achieved our goal for August there!). And we have at least 10 more in store for you (in fact, they're practically finished) but before we spoil you with them, we would first like to know your opinion on them.
So if you have already downloaded Freemoticons in the past or decide to do it now, please fill out our Freemoticons Evaluation Survey. All feedback will help us improve our absolutely free and automatic display pictures/emoticons installers!
>> Proceed to the Freemoticons Evaluation Survey (takes about 5-10 minutes).
Added: Lots of Display Pictures categories!
 dwergs says ( 03 Sep 2004 ):
Added: Katie Price and Megan Gale Display Pictures
 dwergs says ( 03 Sep 2004 ):
Added: Cats, Dogs and Rabbits
 dwergs says ( 02 Sep 2004 ):
Microsoft opens MSN Music store
 dwergs says ( 02 Sep 2004 ):
Nike Olé available again from our MSN Games Launcher
 dwergs says ( 01 Sep 2004 ):
NIKE Olé, the turn-based soccer game sponsored by Nike and available in only a select number of European countries, is available again directly from our MSN Games Launcher. Go have a ball! |
Added: Ali G Display Pictures
 dwergs says ( 01 Sep 2004 ):
Aiiiight! Messer soj is in da house and already kickstarted the 2nd edition of our Display Picture competition by uploading 53 wickiiid Ali G display pictures. Respect!
Look at the post below for more information on our compo, the instructions and the sort of prizes you can win. Bo!
And the winners of our Summer Display Picture competition are...
 dwergs says ( 01 Sep 2004 ):
During the past Summer months we held a Display Picture competition here at 4591 entries for the competition were submitted by 24 Messers, making the total available free MSN Display Pictures 15717 now. So many... MANY thanks to all participants! But sadly only a few can win. And here they are:
1st place: The gold goes to lpchick. As a reward for her AMAZING 3510 submitted display pictures (and still counting!) she receives an gift certificate worth 150 US dollars. lpchick significantly expanded our celebrity and music sections, so big up for lpchick!
2nd place: Silver for kamahlitude who submitted 410 display pics of The Simpsons, Saturday Night Live and Wrestling to name some noteworthy uploads. A $50 gift certificate is on its way!
At the 3rd, 4th and 5th places we find Strangeguy, Baulie and boomstronkje who uploaded respectively 315, 119 and 56 display pics. They get to pick a free t-shirt kindly offered by the great folks at Splitreason!
Runners-up: Finally atownjoe2003, bno and ScOnE will receive a free beta-invitation to Gmail thanks to STR8 JACKET.
(The winners will be contacted later today)
Now that was it for the first edition of our DP compo, but because of its success we're instantly starting a second round. So keep submitting display pictures marked with the URL during the next three months and you can win the same cool prizes or even more!
What's important is that you follow our Adobe Photoshop instructions for making display pictures and/or tag them with our URL. But remember: QUALITY is more important than quantity and we do not necessarily only reward mass uploaders (but it helps ;))!
Added: Usher Display Pictures
 dwergs says ( 31 Aug 2004 ):
By the time he was upon the threshold of puberty, Usher already had a record deal and a gold album. By the time he graduated from high school, he'd established himself as one of the most visible artists in R&B. Armed with a soulful voice and impressive songwriting skills, Usher's songs vary from floor-rattling dance tracks to between-the-sheets ballads.
>> Browse our 50 Usher display pictures.
>> Like Usher? Then check out Craig David and our other Hiphop & R 'n B display pics.
[Bio by:]
Added: ChaNinja MSN skin
 dwergs says ( 30 Aug 2004 ):
ChaNinja is a complete MSN Messenger skin by STR8 JACKET and based on ChaNinja's theme and subzero icons. This easy installer for MSN Messenger 6.2.0137 also adds polygamy (multi MSN).
>> Download ChaNinja MSN Skin for 6.2.0137. |
Updated: MessengerDiscovery 2.5 (build 2512)
 dwergs says ( 30 Aug 2004 ):
Much earlier than expected, effekt unleashed a milestone update to his MessengerDiscovery addon. It includes heaps of new featues, full language support and a much improved installer. The most significant updates:
- Extended contact list (bye bye 150 contacts limit); - User status change alerts in conversation; - Installer can be run normally now (no need for !forceexit); - Sign in with mobile/web and still have display pictures, etc; - Fake error messages; - Disable contact ink message error (if they don't support INK); - And much more changes, listed here.
>> Download MessengerDiscovery 2.5.
UPDATE: The MessengerDiscovery site is experiencing some problems. Meanwhile it may be impossible for you to retrieve your installation key. Please have a little patience while effekt fixes the issue.
[Reported by: Huuf & Tom Rawson] |
Probably the best skins in the MSN universe
 dwergs says ( 29 Aug 2004 ):
What does The Terminator, herpes labialis, Rolando and my Internet connection have in common? They all come back after a while! Yes, my connection was down for the past 2 days. BUT WHO CARES, because after more than half a year Rolando, the black belt skinning champion, has returned with a brand new website and 6.2.0137 updates to his popular full MSN Messenger skins!
>> Download MSN Messed Edition for MSN Messenger 6.2.0137 (our personal favorite).
>> Download Urban MSN for MSN Messenger 6.2.0137.
>> Download Futuristic MSN for MSN Messenger 6.2.0137.
>> Download Gant MSN for MSN Messenger 6.2.0137.
>> Download Penguin MSN for MSN Messenger 6.2.0137.
>> Visit Roland Underground!
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