Main/News >> News Archives > The week of February 08 (2004) (you are here)

MSN custom colors for your font! MSN Emoticons list overview! Find a Date for online chats! Quality Hosting specials for Messers! free msn games is burning down-down-down-down-down-down is burning down-down-down-down-down-down

dwergs says ( 14 Feb 2004 ):


The messmaster is back ;) Went to London for a couple of days but while I was away hit rock bottom, but Mess continued to be as popular as ever with a special Valentine's listing on

Oh, and all this would almost make me forget: Happy valentine y'all! Check out our "romantic" display pictures and emoticons (take that with a grain of salt for some)! And of course the featured Freemoticons Valentine 69 by MNeMoNiCuZ (which you can send to your friends)...

 Added: EmoPanel, the shortcut to all your custom emoticons!
Added: EmoPanel, the shortcut to all your custom emoticons!

dwergs says ( 12 Feb 2004 ):


EmoPanel by Apinan is a brilliant addon which adds an extra option to your chat windows allowing you to quickly paste any of your custom emoticons into the conversation.

It's an extension to the default 'emoticon picker', because that one only shows 10 and it's also better than Messenger Plus!'s emoticon quicklist, because EmoPanel is able to import all your custom emoticons automatically.

Note: After the installation you have to launch it from your Programs list to get it going :) (now that's obvious, isn't it?) And this version of EmoPanel will work with English versions of MSN Messenger only.

>> Download EmoPanel... it's great!

 Added: MSN Quick Viewer
Added: MSN Quick Viewer

dwergs says ( 12 Feb 2004 ):


I wouldn't go so far as to call MSN Quick Viewer by Sk3tch a genius addon, but it just makes it so easy to view your contact's MSN profiles I decided to add it to our download collection anyway :)

>> Download MSN Quick Viewer

 Added: Easy DP for easy display picture editing
Added: Easy DP for easy display picture editing

dwergs says ( 12 Feb 2004 ):


Easy DP by Sk3tch is a handy utility for creating display pictures from the images stored on your hard drive. You can invert the colours, flip the image, change the background colour and add text anywhere, zoom, take a screenshot of your desktop and make images fit better into the 96x96 pixels dimensions. And you can import the result directly into MSN Messenger.

Easy DP is still under development but you can download the current version here!

[Submitted by: Huuf]

 SDBA Bot support for Mobile MSN devices
SDBA Bot support for Mobile MSN devices

dwergs says ( 11 Feb 2004 ):


A new version of the SDBA Revolution IM Application Server bot has been released. Among other enhancements (eg. finally support for Friendly names), this version fully supports Mobile MSN clients for both incoming and outgoing messages, the first bot to do so!

SDBA Revolution Instant Messaging Application Server is an open-source server written in Perl by Duncan Lamb and provides an architecture to
simplify and streamline the process of writing instant messaging applications like chatbots for MSN Messenger, AIM, and ICQ.

>> Visit the SDBA homepage

 Messenger Protocol Updates today
Messenger Protocol Updates today

dwergs says ( 11 Feb 2004 ):


This is a general announcement about some changes that are occurring on Messenger today, basically the protocol upgrade to MSNp10. While these are backend changes, there will be customer impact in some cases.

Certain users that are on MSN Messenger v6.1.203 may experience continuous login/out behavior. The simple fix for this is to immediately upgrade to v6.1.207 (download here).

Users on v6.1.207 or higher that have already had their contact list migrated will see the default Individual Group go away and contacts that were previously in that Group will now move to the top of their Contact list and NOT be associated with any group.

A KB article is currently being written...

[Reported by: DSCHUMP]

 Messenger Plus! 3 in Development
Messenger Plus! <b>3</b> in Development

zipp says ( 10 Feb 2004 ):


Messenger Plus!The world's most popular MSN Messenger addon; Messenger Plus! is to move on to version 3 it has been announced! Patchou, the brains behind this amazing addon has announced on the official Plus! Forums that the new major release (version 3) is currently in the making.

Patchou says that the new update will not include new features, but will concentrate more on the user interface and accessibility aspects:

"I'm currently working on Plus! 3.00. Don't expect new features, there will be almost none. As I said, Plus! already got more than it's load of features and 99% of my users don't know half of them. That's why the new version is focusing on interfaces and accessibility, meaning that the existing features will be more easily accessible and more fun to use."

The new version isn't expected for release before March this year. May I also remind messers and Plus! users not to pester us, or any of the Plus! team about the exact release date. It's ready when it's ready. You will be able to download the new version from as soon as it is released!

>> Read more and post comments on the Messenger Plus! Official Forums!

[Reported by: Wabz]

 Freemoticons: Valentine 69 by MNeMoNiCuZ follow-up
<b>Freemoticons</b>: Valentine 69 by MNeMoNiCuZ follow-up

dwergs says ( 10 Feb 2004 ):


It sure looks like Messers are loving people. Or at least you peeps love the Valentine 69 emoticons: with over 178.000 downloads it even beats the S.A.R.S. emoticons in popularity.

love emoticonsThe completely automatic emoticon installer is currently being listed among's most popular Windows software of the week (right below MSN Messenger for Windows XP!). Thanks again to Huuf, Timothy and MNeMo for making this Freemoticons release a huge succes!

You can now easily send the Valentine 69 emoticons installer to all the friends you like/love with the new Freemoticons emailer. They will receive the handy reference card and a link where they can download the software. How nice of you!

>> Freemoticons Valentine 69 by MNeMoNiCuZ page

>> Freemoticons @

>> Send the Freemoticons Valentine 69 pack to your friends

 First in Bahrain: MSN Messenger on the move
First in Bahrain: MSN Messenger on the move

dwergs says ( 10 Feb 2004 ):


Good news for Messers slash Batelco customers in the Middle East: Freetime and Valuetime users will be able to pick up Hotmails and MSN messenger chats on their mobile simply by registering on the Batelco website. As part of the launch, a special promotion means customers will receive MSN Hotmail and Messenger SMS alerts for free until February 29.

[Source: AMEInfo]

 Back, from outer space!
Back, from outer space!

dwergs says ( 10 Feb 2004 ):


orneryboyMany of you have noticed the MSN Messenger service stopped for more than four hours (some report even 6) early this morning (CET). Unable to sign in, lots of people were looking for more info on the status page of and which both went down too at the same moment.

An official of MS Korea said that the service was halted due to a problem in the US-based network, avoiding all speculations that it was caused by attacks from MyDoom.c or DoomJuice infected systems. I'm still investigating why went down together with the titanic, but let's blame it on mass hysteria for now ;)

(The image used in this post was taken from the Orneryboy Display Picture pack)

 Updated: Custom Games Patch offers Pegball
Updated: Custom Games Patch offers Pegball

dwergs says ( 10 Feb 2004 ):


pegballMultiplayer game Pegball by Titoonic is supposed to be available to Scandinavian MSN Messenger users only, but thanks to Koen you can now play this official MSN game after applying the Custom Games Patch. Next have a look at your Launch Site Menu and click Extra MSN Games.

The game itself is still a bit buggy, messing up players turns sometimes. But hey, it's Pegball, it's FUN!

 DestructiveChild getting generous AND sadistic
DestructiveChild getting generous AND sadistic

dwergs says ( 09 Feb 2004 ):


destructivechildDestructiveChild, one of the most popular and comprehensive chatbots on MSN Messenger, has been updated in both nice and disturbing ways. New is the \chance command bringing you a contest with the following prizes: BETA-TESTER, J-MOD and RANK-2 powers, 6 months of FREE HOSTING and 30 POINTS on DC for 1 lucky DC user. Also added: the \competition command with 35 points at stake for everyone who can guess the correct answer to a braintwisting question.

But, like mentioned in this post's title, DestructiveChild cultivated a new, perverse trait of throwing troublesome users into... THE PIT: a chatroom where users become slaves and won't be able to use the regular DC commands until chores are completed! Valid commands in the pit are \invite, \whip , \scrub, \sweep, etc... Well, you get the idea. The evil minds behind this bot must be very very sick.

Brave enough to add DC to your contact list? The address is:! OBEY!

 nineMSN making plans for MSN Messenger
nineMSN making plans for MSN Messenger

dwergs says ( 09 Feb 2004 ):


Martin Hoffman, managing director of Australian's MSN portal ninemsn, has reported MSN (Instant) Messenger to grow much faster than email did.

Ninemsn plans to expand the instant messenger to include paid-for premium add-on services, just like Hotmail. Hoffman said: "it might be to do with games, it might be to do with the size of video files that you can transmit."

Ninemsn is also keen to explore the interconnection of MSN Messenger and mobile phones. At present, it provides a "first-generation" instant-messenger-to-mobile SMS service in conjunction with Telstra, Vodafone and Optus.

[Source: Australian IT]

 News Quickies...
News Quickies...

dwergs says ( 09 Feb 2004 ):


Sad news first: DJ Mystic -of Smiley Factory and StuffPlug fame- is leaving the Messenger Plus! scene. His plugins will remain available on his website, but just don't expect any new stuff for Plus! [Reported by: tucks]

A bit of panic on Friday (or Thursday depending on your whereabouts), when the .NET Messenger Service was down for maintenance for over an hour! Messers showing instant withdrawal symptoms were immediately hospitalized ;) [Reported by: Shadow Hacker and bostonfanx]

"The clock" is back and with a few more commands it's gotten even better. But of course, telling the time is still the main purpose of this MSN Messenger bot reachable at Matt did the Perl programming this time and you can expect its website soon! [Reported by: Ashley]

Talking about bots, Eric informed me about the new place to be for bot developers and enthusiasts: the Bot Depot forums where you can learn from the best and share your artificial creations. I receive more bot announcements than complaints about the block checker, so I think it's safe to call MSN chatterbots a true hype!

A nice, general share from Dragon: McAfee's Avert Stinger, a stand-alone utility used to detect and remove specific viruses (including that naughty MyDoom fella). It is not a substitute for full anti-virus protection, but why not take it for a spin?

Finally an absolutely great find submitted by Keaton: "If you want to make a display picture or emoticons, simply go to Start, then Programs, then Accessories, then click on Paint and start creating!". Now why didn't I ever think of that? ;) Anyway, should you be a graphical wizz then please upload your DP's (96x96 pixels) or CE's (19x19 pixels) to our Display Picture & Custom Emoticon collection.

 Added: 86 Slim Shady & G-Unit display pictures
Added: 86 Slim Shady & G-Unit display pictures

dwergs says ( 08 Feb 2004 ):


It's been a very busy weekend but I've been approving display pictures and emoticons nonetheless. Thanks to all your contributions we now have over 6000 MSN display pictures and over 4000 MSN Messenger emoticons... all for free!

50 cent display pictureThe latest images are 86 display pictures of Slim Shady and G-Unit uploaded by's own SLim Shady...

A lot of display pictures are still waiting to be approved so keep your eyes open. If you get a DB Error, please have a little patience and retry after a minute. Don't blame us, our collection is just very VERY popular!

Click Here!

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