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Updated: Encrypted Messenger 3.0.71
 dwergs says ( 14 Aug 2004 ):
I found out Encrypted Messenger, the shareware application to encrypt all your instant messages sent through MSN, AOL, Yahoo! and ICQ, was updated to version 3.0.71 lately.
John, the creator of Encrypted Messenger, has also let us know that he added the VB6 source for an MSN Sniffer as a proof of concept to show how to "spy" on MSN Messenger (and Yahoo! and AIM) conversations. The code is available for free here!
>> Download Encrypted Messenger v3.0.71 (shareware). |
Desktop Sidebar updated to v1.04 beta 72
 dwergs says ( 14 Aug 2004 ):
Desktop Sidebar displays e-mails, appointments, task, notes, Messenger contacts, stock quotes, weather forecasts and constantly updated news from blogs, RSS newsfeeds and web pages. Version 1.04 Beta Build 72 has been released and changes compared to the last build we posted include:
- Skin Editor - ICQ Panel (available as separate download); - IMAP support in Mail Checker Panel; - Improved memory footprint; - Many small improvements and bug fixes - Ability to undock panels - Additional visualizations in Performance Panel - Hotmail support in Mail Checker Panel - etc.
Desktop Sidebar integrated Windows Messenger. To use MSN Messenger with this panel you will need the latest version of BOTH Windows Messenger and the MSN Messenger. You also have to click on Tools in Windows Messenger, select Options and choose Preferences. Uncheck "Run Windows Messenger on Windows startup", and check "Allow Windows Messenger to run in the background".
>> Download Desktop Sidebar v1.04b 72. |
NineMSN Fun & Games Menu Updated
 dwergs says ( 13 Aug 2004 ):
MSN Messenger users in Australia will notice an updated Fun & Games menu. Previously, the only extras available were: Hexic, Checkers, Solitaire Showdown, Bejewled, Minesweeper Flags, MSN Calendar Sharing, Tic Tac Toe and MSN Photo Swap. But two new games have been added: Chess Club and Bankshot Billiards Club.
MSN Messenger users in Australia still don't have Cubis or Mozaki Blocks, but these can be launched via the MSN Games Launcher.
[Reported by: MattNotley] |
Say it with Emoticon Pictures
 dwergs says ( 13 Aug 2004 ):
It's been a year since I've talked about Emoticon Pictures, but I'm actually still very proud of the concept we at pioneered back in 2002. Emoticon Pictures are images you send to your contacts, constructed of many MSN Messenger emoticons forming an object, symbol or word (eg. BOO! in the example to the right).
We currently have over 150 Emoticon Pictures on offer in different categories such as Love, greetings, acronyms, smileys, diss talk, etc.. With a simple "click to copy" you have them in your clipboard. Go and paste them into your conversation window and press Send to amaze friend and foe ;)
If you like to submit your own designs (preferrably under 400 characters per picture, otherwise the user needs Plus!), just put them all in a .txt file named after you(r nickname) and e-mail attach the file to submit The very best will be added in the next big update.
>> Check out our Emoticon Pictures.
>> Also give Timothy's Emote-X a shot, an Emoticon Pictures Designer to be found in the Creative Messaging menu.
Two gig Hotmail ditches Body search
 dwergs says ( 12 Aug 2004 ):
Sure, I'm happy being one of the lucky few with an upgraded, two gigabyte Hotmail account already. But after benefiting from it for weeks now, I found out they ditched my "entire message" option for search. Only From, To and Subject fields are considered anymore, not the Body, which makes finding a specific e-mail in your 2,147,483,648 bytes inbox VERY HARD.
This is definitely a con compared to Google's Gmail effort, where e-mail searching is centralised. Let's just hope they temporarily removed the option to optimize the Hotmail servers for the task first.
>> Here's a screenshot of what's gone missing. |
Q&A Session with the MSN Web Messenger team
 dwergs says ( 12 Aug 2004 ):
Two hours ago, 5:30 pm Pacific, 8:30 pm Eastern and around 02:30 AM on my watch, the MSN Beta team initiated a feedback session on MSN Web Messenger BETA, the browser-based MSN Messenger client we "exposed" two weeks ago. I attended the interesting chat meeting with Jay F, Jacob, Charlie, John and Petch from the development team and even managed to get a few of my many questions answered (not necessarily the most interesting ones). Instead of just posting a chronological transcript of all Q&A's I have categorized them for those who couldn't make it to the chat.
>> Read the Questions and Answers on MSN Web Messenger. |
Spread the love and help us reach a quarter million downloads!
 dwergs says ( 11 Aug 2004 ):
What cool program was one of's Top 15 Downloads last week? What superb application is listed in the Top 25 of's chat category? Which MSN Messenger software receives an even better rating from CNET Users than Messenger Plus!? ;)
The answer is the Valentine edition of our Freemoticons installer. People love each other, not only on Valentine's day, and people definitely love MNeMoNiCuZ's 69 romanticly inspired emoticons.
Just for the fun of it, we are trying to reach a quarter million (250,000) downloads at, and 400.000 downloads from before the end of August. Help us achieve this goal by downloading it yourself and then sending the Valentine 69 emoticons installer to all the friends you like/love. They will receive a handy reference card and a link to where they can download the software. Why, how nice of you!
NOTE: Freemoticons are automated emoticon installers that put smileys straight into your MSN Messenger. Like everything on, they can be downloaded totally free of charge. And unlike every other similar product, Freemoticons are 100% spyware & adware free.
>> Download Freemoticons Valentine 69 @
>> Tell your friends about the Freemoticons Valentine 69 pack.
>> More info on the Valentine emoticons. |
First look at MSN blogs
 dwergs says ( 11 Aug 2004 ):
For those who got interested after reading our post on the MSN's new blogging service, here's an interesting first glance at MSN Spaces, posted by Phil Ringnalda. |
Microsoft maps out its future, and yours, too
 dwergs says ( 11 Aug 2004 ):
After years of asking the world "where would you like to go today?", Microsoft is now ready to tell the world exactly where that is.
Microsoft can track users anywhere in the world to within metres, using its MapPoint location and mapping web service - the first segment of which was launched locally last week.
MapPoint will mesh with applications such as MSN Messenger, running on mobile devices, allowing users to locate each other in real time, MapPoint product manager Steve Lombardi says.
[Further reading:] |
Updated: Gaim 0.81
 dwergs says ( 10 Aug 2004 ):
Gaim is a multi-protocol instant messaging client for Linux, BSD, MacOS X, and Windows. It is compatible with AIM, ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo, IRC, Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, and Zephyr networks. Gaim users can log in to multiple accounts on multiple IM networks simultaneously.
The new version released a few days ago closes about 240 bugs. Compared to the last version we posted on in June, MSN Messenger related changes include:
- Display Pictures support; - File transfers now possible; - Idle state now actually sets a contact idle; - The auto-reconnect plugin will no longer attempt to reconnect if you were disconnected because you signed on from another location.
>> Download GAIM v0.81.
MSN Messenger Concept is looking for programmers
 dwergs says ( 10 Aug 2004 ):
Volunteer developers with free time on their hands should get in touch with the MSN Messenger Concept team asap.
As you might know from several screenshots that already flew by in our news, these people are launching a rather ambitious project to build a slick user interface for MSN Messenger. In its current state only visuals and ideas exist, but Francisco and Xero are looking for experienced C# or C++ programmers to start working on the actual code. If you're interested, e-mail your CV of past software developments to chicofar
For the rest of you, here are some fingerlickin' new visuals recently posted at the MSN Messenger Concept homepage (again, these are only prototype graphic designs):
- Sign In page version 2; - Contact List and Conversation window. |
Updated: MessengerDiscovery 2 (build 2008)
 dwergs says ( 10 Aug 2004 ):
A small update to MessengerDiscovery 2 has been issued by effekt after a couple of users reported sign in trouble after installing the addon. Together with two other small bugs, this has been fixed in build 2008. We suggest you only update when experiencing problems.
NOTE: You must use the command !forceexit before upgrading MessengerDiscovery.
>> Download MessengerDiscovery 2. |
Updated: ChrisTorng Style MessageLog
 dwergs says ( 09 Aug 2004 ):
Today ChrisTorng sent us an update of his ChrisTorng Style MessageLog, which basically is an improved Message History layout. Changes, you ask?
- Truncate the contact name; - Restricts contact name display in one line; - MSN Messenger 6.2 modification for no email; - Option to ignore the style of message text; - Added hyperlinks of mms, mmst, mmsu, msbd, callto, ldap, nntp, rlogin, snews; - Italian language added, Simplified Chinese modified; - Other major and minor fixes and improvements.
>> Download ChrisTorng Style MessageLog v2.1. |
Updated: MessengerDiscovery 2
 dwergs says ( 09 Aug 2004 ):
"A 100% improvement to version 1", is how the new MessengerDiscovery homepage describes the 2nd version of its feature-rich MSN Messenger addon. And looking at the changelog I think that's the least you can say:
- Complete engine recode; - Stability improved ten fold; - RemoteAdmin (control Messenger from another computer via a web browser); - Login Manager, control the accounts that log into Messenger; - Message Flood Protection, avoid being flooded by contacts and get alerted when they do.; - Better IM Intergration, takes up less space and looks better; - UI Upgrade, to support Windows 98 users.; - More language support; - Plugins support; - Refurbished API and available to developers again. - Many bug fixes...
>> Download MessengerDiscovery 2. |
Updated: StuffPlug-NG 0.6.1
 dwergs says ( 08 Aug 2004 ):
TheBlasphemer updated his fab Messenger Plus! plugin, StuffPlug-NG to version 0.6.1. Changes since the last version posted on include:
- Added a chat-only name (only in conversations) - Added an easter egg (search in the About dialog); - Added Set and Open buttons in the options dialog; - Fixed a DP resize bug; - Fixed /xtalk bug; - Added filetransfer limit bypassing; - Added "contact deleted you from his/her contact list".
>> Download StuffPlug-NG 0.6.1. |
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