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MSN custom colors for your font! MSN Emoticons list overview! Find a Date for online chats! Quality Hosting specials for Messers! free msn games

 Last 5 winners announced soon!
Last 5 winners announced soon!

dwergs says ( 15 Mar 2003 ):


The Away Messages competition is running to its end. We will announce the last 5 winners of a DirectTalk license key soon (after we finish running through hundreds of sumbissions!). Afterwards, a bigger competition will be held on so stay tuned!

 MSN Messenger Connect
MSN Messenger Connect

timothy says ( 14 Mar 2003 ):


Yesterday Microsoft has updated its MSN Messenger Connect page. It has been reshaped from a announcement page to a feature and benefits page. But most of all it seems that Microsoft has dumped their partner FaceTime, and went on with IMlogic.
For more info take a look at Microsoft's official page.

 EliteSpyz v5, an MSN Messenger 'security' add-on in the grey zone
EliteSpyz v5, an MSN Messenger 'security' add-on in the grey zone

dwergs says ( 12 Mar 2003 ):


SpyBoy released an update to version 5 of his Elite Spyz spy tool. Next to MSN tools it features an IP masker, ICQ tools, system tweaks, XP tweaks, DLL finder, port scanner... thus entering the grey zone. Download the improved add-on at the EliteSpyz homepage or from our MSN Messenger security tools. Handle with care.

 VIRUS ALERT: NiceHello steals your MSN Messenger password
<b>VIRUS ALERT</b>: NiceHello steals your MSN Messenger password

dwergs says ( 12 Mar 2003 ):


A recently discovered virus codenamed Win32.NiceHello.A@mm is spreading as an e-mail attachment and targets MSN Messenger users.

The virus sends email messages to the user's MSN/.NET Messenger's contacts to mass-multiply itself. It also tries to send a notification email:

Subject: Hello world :) have a nice day
Body: [user's Messenger name & password]

Eventually, a message box with "Microsoft Windows XP or greated required!" appears.

How to see if you're infected:
- the file "systemsys64dvr.exe" or "system32sys64dvr.exe" exists in the Windows folder.
- there's a registry entry
"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\System 64 Driver for Games" = "sys64drv.exe".

Delete this file and registry entry to disinfect!

More information on NiceHello at BitDefender.

 Watch your contacts picking their noses: Microsoft adds webcam functionality to MSN Messenger 5.0
Watch your contacts picking their noses: Microsoft adds webcam functionality to MSN Messenger 5.0

dwergs says ( 12 Mar 2003 ):


A new Microsoft & Logitech application allows MSN Messenger 5.0 users to stream live videos to other contacts using the software and a webcam. Logitech will host the video streams on its servers, and will allow 56kbps modems a resolution of three to five frames per second (fps) and broadband as high as 15fps. More info on the official Webcam for MSN Messenger page or download the (English) webcam software straight away.

[Source: C|]

 3 Degrees P2P update regarding BIND DNS Servers
3 Degrees P2P update regarding BIND DNS Servers

dwergs says ( 12 Mar 2003 ):


Remember threedegrees, Microsoft's new and youth-orientated IM software? Some people have encountered DNS problems after installing the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) stack. Well, I've found a self-evident workaround mentioned on linking to the solution in a Microsoft Knowledge Base Article.

 MSN Messenger Poll: Can you live without it (for one day!)
MSN Messenger Poll: Can you live without it (for one day!)

dwergs says ( 11 Mar 2003 ):


Do you think you can resist logging into MSN Messenger for 24 hours, even if you're behind your computer? Vote here.

Results of the previous poll about the design tell me most of you like it, but a substantial part would like to see some changes. Point taken, watch this space :)

 Mess with internet explorer
Mess with internet explorer

timothy says ( 10 Mar 2003 ):


I was just messing around with internet explorer, when I found out the following lovely HTML bug:

<object classid="clsid:233A9694-667E-11d1-9DFB-006097D50408"></object>

This bug causes IE to crash (the amount of crashes depends on your system) and can be called a serious bug if you implement it into mail or sites. Why I am telling this? Because Mickeysofts bug report doesn't respond and spreading is another way to get bugs fixed.

 MSN Messenger used in succesfully tracking down gun thieves
MSN Messenger used in succesfully tracking down gun thieves

dwergs says ( 10 Mar 2003 ):


Don't mess with the Langlais brothers. They sent their friends on the trail of the three burglars who ripped off $2,500 worth of paintball guns from their store. And they posted a $600 reward. [...]

Mr. Langlais uncovered the e-mail address of one of his suspects and reached him through the MSN Messenger chat service. Posing as one of the other burglars, he got the youth to describe his role in the break-in, and to coach him on who they were going to beat up to keep them from talking to police.

The suspect gave the names of those who had the remaining guns, and even discussed ways to return them to the store if the store agreed to drop the charges.

[Read more:]

 Simp: MSN Messenger conversations confidentiality
Simp: MSN Messenger conversations confidentiality

dwergs says ( 10 Mar 2003 ):


Simp (Secway's Instant Messenger Privacy) is a tool developed by Secway to secure your online MSN Messenger conversations. Simp works by encrypting messages before they are sent over the Internet and decrypting them when they arrive at your contacts. Once installed on your and your friends computer, it will prevent anyone from reading your conversations. Download this free MSN Messenger add-on here.


dwergs says ( 09 Mar 2003 ):


Sorry for the downtime this weekend. Our server hard drive got fried and we had to pull the plug, replace it and transfer everything to the new location. I'm still working to get all pages up again. In the meanwhile: big up for the massive backstage support of Ken!

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