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GANT MSN, or "How to leave the MSN Messenger skinning scene in beauty"
 dwergs says ( 29 Nov 2003 ):
"Well this is my 6th and last skin... It is a fully skinned MSN Messenger skin based on GANT Icons by Mattahan and Reluna VS by Bant.", reads Roland Underground, the home of 16 year old MSN Messenger skinner Rami, also known as Rolando.
He continues: "Well it's been a great 8 months... After 148 thousand visitors, 53 thousand downloads, over 900 emails replied to, and a countless number of hours spent on this project, I decided to close Roland Underground, which gave you 6 MSN Messenger skins. There is no reason other than I don't have any time. It has been a great time and please don't expect anything else..."
With almost 200.000 downloads from and ten thousands of fans among Messers and other MSN Messenger users, he will be missed BIG time. EvilSeph has taken a moment to write a tribute to his friend and hero Rolando. You can read it here.
Although no new Rolando skins will see daylight, the current ones can still be found in every new version of MSN Messenger - Windows X.
>> Download Rolando's sixth and last MSN Messenger skin: GANT MSN |
The future of Instant Messaging according to communication industry heavyweights
 dwergs says ( 29 Nov 2003 ):
Eric Allman, chief technology officer and founder of Sendmail, questions Peter S. Ford, chief architect for MSN Messenger about the world of Instant Messaging in an interesting ACMQueue article. Some of Ford's predictions about the future of IM:
"The explosion of people trying to communicate with you [...] is going to grow tremendously. Having systems that can manage that in a human-friendly collaborative manner is going to be critically important."
"I'm pretty optimistic that a lot of the spam issues will be resolved, [...] in the next two years because I think we've reached a crisis with respect to the spam problem."
"Artificial intelligence techniques—things tied to your schedule, things tied to your friends-of-friends-of-friends network—will become important in terms of the way you decide how to communicate with people and what communication you accept and when you accept it."
"The current IM clients [...] are just going to evolve like crazy in the next five years. We probably won't recognize them five years from now."
If we can believe Mr. Ford, it looks like the rollercoaster has only just started! :) |
Updated: Windows X 3.1.203 for MSN Messenger 6.1.0203
 dwergs says ( 29 Nov 2003 ):
Windows X, the mother of all MSN skins has been updated for the latest MSN Messenger version 6.1.0203. The 8 megabyte download comes with ad remover, polygamy, multiline nickname support and the choice of 15 full MSN skins (in alphabetical order:): CleanMSN, DarkShade, Futuristic MSN, Graphic UI tuned, IsWag, Mac Aqua X, Mac OSX, Matrix, MSN Aqua, MSN Crystal X, MSN Messed Edition, Neowin Messenger, Pengiun MSN, Urban MSN and X-Box.
>> Download Windows X
[Discovered by: EvilSeph] |
Updated: Jnrzloader for MSN Messenger 6.1.0203
 dwergs says ( 29 Nov 2003 ):
Jnrzloader by el antipapa is a program that allows you to run several MSN Messengers together (= polygamy) and log on in Appear Offline status. This download includes both an instant loader or one with a user interface if the first has problems locating your MSN Messenger.
>> Download Jnrzloader
[Submitted by: Huuf] |
Orange collecting Expressions through MSN Messenger
 dwergs says ( 29 Nov 2003 ):
With Expressionist, Orange is building a gallery of facial expressions from people aged 16 or older around the UK. Sounds familiar? You're right, the currently inactive Realemoticons project did the same a while ago. The photographs you submit to Orange however end up in a unique interactive video mural in a London gallery. Arty farty, isn't it? Just entering -by sending your photo to via MSN Messenger- will also give you a chance to win a Panasonic X70 phone or other nice prizes.
[More info: Orange Expressionist] |
MSN Messenger FAQ Translations
 dwergs says ( 29 Nov 2003 ):
My call for translations of the MSN Messenger FAQ has been heard: Masiosare and Vaitork were already very helpful to our Spanish talking visitors and Opperator did an awesome job translating a whole lot of questions into Dutch! I really appreciate it, guys, thanks! I'd say, keep it up :) |
You've only got 6 friends
 dwergs says ( 28 Nov 2003 ):
A study carried out by the research people behind MSN Messenger has concluded the average person has just six close friends. In the course of a lifetime, each of us will make a total of 396 pals but we will lose touch with 363 of them At any one time, we surround ourselves with 33 chums only six of whom we class as being ''close''.
The other 27 are social friends: drinking buddies for a night at the pub or workmates. Six in 10 said their mates were more important than money, career and even their family. Women see social friends every 3.5 days while men see them every five days. Yet both sexes only see their best friends once every eight weeks.
The increased use of webcams and instant messaging has created a new kind of pal the ''silent friend'' who people rarely speak to directly and hardly ever see face to face.
[Source: DailyRecord] |
Let's translate the MSN Messenger FAQ
 dwergs says ( 28 Nov 2003 ):
Our MSN Messenger FAQ -featuring 43 Q&A's- is still growing daily. For those who feel like contributing, we would like to translate all FAQs into Spanish and Dutch (these are the 2nd and 3rd most used among Messers --other languages might follow later).
I dunno what's the best way to do this, but for now I suggest you just add a brief translation of the most important facts and instructions of a FAQ, as a comment to the specific FAQ. Kinda like what I've done in Dutch with this FAQ.
Three important notes: 1) As title, you enter the translated question. 2) When links occur, you can refer to 'above'. 3) Comments won't appear straight away because they have to be approved by admins first. If I get multiple translations to the same FAQ, I will have to choose the best one (that's the downside to this method).
I hope to see some MSN Messenger support in Nederlands and Español on soon and I will check and evaluate the first submissions later today... Thanks in advance to all translators! |
Designed to turn heads
 dwergs says ( 27 Nov 2003 ):
The QuickCam Orbit is a black, ball-shaped camera that sits atop a nine-inch-high stand at your eye level. Why? So that you'll get optimal face time during your MSN Messenger webcam sessions. And when you move, it actually follows you around! The QuickCam Orbit mechanically and automatically turns left and right for almost a 180-degree horizontal view or up and down for almost 90-degree top-to-bottom view. So your smiling face will always stay in the picture. Read more...
New & Updated: The MSN Messenger FAQ
 dwergs says ( 26 Nov 2003 ):
Shame on me! It was about time the MSN Messenger FAQ got updated to include a milestone called MSN Messenger 6. I've switched software completely and I still need add a lot of frequently asked questions to the 16 categories, but -and with thanks to Sherv and Koen- there are already 34 articles there. Note that you are allowed to rate the Q&A's and comment on them (valuable comments might be integrated and credited in the FAQ answer). Questions can not be added yet, because I've got quite a good idea as to what the "frequently" asked questions of the moment are ;)
>> Check out our complete new and updated MSN Messenger FAQ! |
Patchou offers to help MSN Messenger developers
 dwergs says ( 26 Nov 2003 ):
Patchou, the mastermind behind world's most popular MSN Messenger addon, has made a generous offer to the MSN addon developping community to share some of the technology used in Messenger Plus!. Interesting parts of the code would be released as "creditware" in the hope the MSN Messenger addon scene will flourish again like back in 2002. Support this initiative and give Patchou a green light. |
Link to and get linked
 dwergs says ( 26 Nov 2003 ):
As a lot of you have found out already, we're linking back to the five daily sites that send us most traffic. Still testing this Top Referrers thing, but now is an excellent time to link to if you haven't done so already. Your site can be up there in front of over fifty thousand people each day. Follow these linking instructions precisely and let's see what you got for us! :D
For those with somewhat less frequented websites, it's still worth linking us because I'm planning to reward sites I like from Messers every now and then. Be it with paid .TK domains, a free .com registration or some bigger prize... Just don't come complaining I didn't tell you ;) |
First Ever Messenger Interoperable Carrier Interoperable
 dwergs says ( 25 Nov 2003 ):
MECA ("May Everyone Connect Always"), a leader in promotional messenger marketing services announced today that it has inked a deal with mobile messaging firm IPSH to create the first messenger interoperable carrier interoperable (MICI) solution. This new standard is a giant leap for (desktop to mobile) convergence as it will link together twenty-six U.S. cell phone carriers and desktop messenger networks such as YAHOO! Messenger, MSN Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, ICQ, through MECA's own proprietary system. The majority of U.S. cell phone subscribers and messenger users will be able to communicate with each other through one platform for the first time. The initial MICI launch is tentatively scheduled for launch the first quarter of 2004.
[Source: BusinessWire | IPSH | MECA] |
Microsoft retires NetMeeting
 dwergs says ( 25 Nov 2003 ):
NetMeeting helped pioneer online conferencing when it was released in May 1996 and the software still ships as part of Windows. Some of its features, such as whiteboarding and application-sharing, are used by MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger. But Microsoft has already stopped development work on NetMeeting, links from MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger will be cut in future updates to those products, the NetMeeting directory already appears to be gone from the website and the software will "gradually" be removed completely. Instead, Microsoft's IM applications will link to Office Live Meeting.
[Source: InfoWorld] |
Address Change: Destructive Child
 dwergs says ( 24 Nov 2003 ):
Now that Microsoft has released its initial Passport again after banning it, Destructive Child has moved back to destructivechild Add this address if you would like to have a chat with one of MSN Messenger's best intelligent chat bots.
In the meantime a lot of new options have been introduced: \news, \recipes, \poll, \chat (to create your own private rooms), \riddle and \signature (for email signatures). And with \speak you can send messages to people as coming from Destructive Child. My favorite's still the \countdown game... but judging from my hiscore I've been playing that a bit too freakishly long ;)
Vote for Belgiums Site of the Year 2003
 dwergs says ( 24 Nov 2003 ):
Win a computer, a digital cam, soundsystems, software, games, etc. simply by voting for your favorite Belgian pro & amateur websites. Voting can be done right here. Nope, wasn't nominated (read: I forgot to submit it) but a Bon Jovi fansite site by Messers was. Please bless with your vote for best amateur site (second page) :) |
Added: Two more MNeMoNiCUZ MSN emoticon sets
 dwergs says ( 24 Nov 2003 ):
MNeMoNiCUZ submitted two new emoticon sets to and I bet that makes a lot of you happy. Due to the popularity of his previous sets, these will also be available both in the usual emoticon gallery and through direct download links:
>> Download MNeMoNiCUZ pack #5.
>> Download MNeMoNiCUZ pack #6.
Expect more work from MNeMoNiCUZ to hit your eyes soon!
Updated: MSN Messed Edition Skin & other Rolando skins
 dwergs says ( 24 Nov 2003 ):
Rolando has updated the MSN Messed Edition skin to work with MSN Messenger 6.1.0203 and has added some thorough changes:
- Skinned the MSN main window. - Added 'colorize' effect to the toolbar buttons (thanks to BooGhost) - Changed the popup toasts, they look much better now. - Fixed backgrounds of conversation windows. They now look normal with high resolutions. - Patched it with polygamy and ad remover.
If you're a Messer, you should be using this skin already, so get it on.
The other popular "Rolando skins" were updated for 6.1.0203 too. We're talking about Urban MSN, Penguin MSN, Futuristic MSN and the skin. Choose your weapon... |
Custom MSN Games for 6.1.0203 and introducing: Connect4
 dwergs says ( 23 Nov 2003 ):
Koen has updated his patch for custom MSN Messenger games to work with the recently released 6.1.0203. Download it here.
On top of Battleships, Chess, Nine Men's Morris, Reversi, Tetris and Yahtzee, I'm honored to tell you there's now a completely NEW game available called Connect 4 --developed by Slaugh and designed by Neil. Your goal: try to get 4 coins of your color in a row, column or diagonal first. Download the MSN Games patch today-yay-yay!
[More info: MSN Games homepage]
Updated: Nega patch for 6.1.0203
 dwergs says ( 23 Nov 2003 ):
Appear offline on signing in, hide the 'User is typing' message for your contacts when you're typing a message and enable polygamy all at once using flur's Nega patch for MSN Messenger 6.1.0203.
For the first time we included all three different Nega patches in the download: the full patch, one without appearing offline and one without the 'User is typing' scrambler. |
MSN Messenger interactive demo
 Zero1 says ( 23 Nov 2003 ):
Today we discovered a new feature on the UK MSN Messenger page: the MSN Messenger interactive demo, basically a very cut down javascript based chatbot.
Other than having funny conversations with this bot, it is also possible to save it and modify it for your own.
Two "easter egg" kind of things we found: try typing 'stella' or 'who created you' and you will get a 'hidden' message.
View interactive demo
UPDATED: If the link above doesn't work, try clicking here. |
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