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MSN custom colors for your font! MSN Emoticons list overview! Find a Date for online chats! Quality Hosting specials for Messers! free msn games

 Over 4000 MSN Emoticons
Over 4000 MSN Emoticons

dwergs says ( 10 Jan 2004 ):


We are now offering over 4000 free MSN emoticons! If you can't find what you want in here, you'll just never find it.

 MSN2Go, a new Web-based MSN Messenger client
MSN2Go, a new Web-based MSN Messenger client

dwergs says ( 10 Jan 2004 ):


MSN2Go is the world's first free web-based MSN Messenger client to be created in the form of a Java applet. It's not another HTML/JavaScript hybrid, but a true Java applet that works equally on any Java-enabled browser. That means no page-refreshing whenever a user changes status, no JavaScript kludges, and no DHTML glitches and artifacts.

Such stripped down web-based clients are an ideal solution if the usage of MSN Messenger is blocked on the system you're using at work or at school. Of course, they don't have the same bunch of features as the original client, but MSN2Go allows you to send and receive messages, change your nickname and status and shows typing notifications.

>> Go 2 MSN2Go

[Reported by: DJ Bri T]

 Bill Gates & Jay Leno chat about the future
Bill Gates & Jay Leno chat about the future

dwergs says ( 09 Jan 2004 ):


Bill Gates once again reprised his role as speaker for the CES pre-show keynote address and officially kicked off the 2004 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. In his speech, he declared Microsoft's prime target is seamless computing, where the UI for all devices is the same, whether at work or at home. As the number of devices and their complexity grows, Microsoft is set to link them all together and its software will be present in cars, phones, watches, PCs, and entertainment devices. Software is the key, said Gates. "Broadband is a building block -- and we're doing everything we can to push that forward."

Part of the 90-minute-long speech was a MSN Messenger conversation with Jay Leno and the butterfly man, demonstrating the new photosharing/slideshow capabilities.

[Source: Gear]

 Display Picture Special: Tintin Turns 75!
Display Picture Special: Tintin Turns 75!

dwergs says ( 09 Jan 2004 ):


tintin display picturesTintin, the comic character with Belgian roots, turns 75 on January 9th/10th, 2004! The famous reporter will be commemorated with a coin and here at we have a display picture special dedicated to our local hero Tintin (or Kuifje as we call him in Dutch).

[Brought to my attention by: 8k] [More info: Tintin]

 Smart Watches for MSN Direct Ship to Retail
Smart Watches for MSN Direct Ship to Retail

dwergs says ( 09 Jan 2004 ):


Smart Watches for MSN Direct are now shipping for broad retail availability, as announced by Bill Gates during his keynote address at the 2004 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES). The MSN Direct service is now available in more than 100 of the largest population centers in the United States and Canada. We're telling you this, because subscribers can receive personal messages via MSN Messenger on their watches. More info here.

[Source: Microsoft PressPass]

 MSN9 launches!
MSN9 launches!

SLim_Shady says ( 08 Jan 2004 ):


Today new MSN9 has officially been launched! First of all, MSN homepage and My MSN have been improved in many ways. MSN Video has been added; and, of course, new MSN 9 Premium Services too.

 Updated: Nega Patch for 6.1.0207
Updated: Nega Patch for 6.1.0207

dwergs says ( 08 Jan 2004 ):


With a little delay, flur has updated his Nega patch for MSN Messenger 6.1.0207. It disables the 'User is Typing' message on the other side of the convo, removes the ad banner, makes you appear offline automatically on signing in, removes the butterfly from the icon and enables multi MSN (polygamy).

>> Download Nega Patch

[Source: Flur]

 Quickie: Neowin MSN Emoticons
Quickie: Neowin MSN Emoticons

dwergs says ( 08 Jan 2004 ):


Maverick has designed a set of Neowin logos that can be used as MSN Emoticons adding the final touch when combined with the already popular Neowin skin for MSN Messenger (included in MSN Messenger - Windows X Edition). See them here. [Reported by: soccer5sg]

 3 More Messers Exposed!
3 More Messers Exposed!

dwergs says ( 08 Jan 2004 ):


mess fanpicsI've uploaded three new fanpics. A huge thanks to Leo, OLL13 and b0 b!zZle for confessing their addiction ;)

I'm still hoping to see more original fanpics (preferrably without any post-image-editing), so please boys and girls, send them to so the world can see what kind of cool, hot and/or insane people are messing with MSN Messenger!

IMPORTANT: A variation on the "don't mess with (...) mess with (...)" slogan, our logo or our URL has to be present in the fanpics in their original form. This way we know it's an actual Messer and not some pic grabbed from the web.

 MSN Messenger on your MiTAC Mio8380 Smartphone
MSN Messenger on your MiTAC Mio8380 Smartphone

dwergs says ( 07 Jan 2004 ):


Unfortunately by now MiTAC hasn't been releasing any ROM updates for the MiTAC 8380 smartphone so users are helping themselves in order to be able to use MSN Messenger. A new ROM image has become available with clear notice that it is not made by a hacker but by a programmer. Of course, you're still on your own if you decide to upgrade using this unofficial image.


 MSN Messenger 4.0 for Mac update
MSN Messenger 4.0 for Mac update

timothy says ( 06 Jan 2004 ):


Today Microsoft officially announced office 2004 for Mac on the Macworld expo. In a small footnote they also mentioned that MSN Messenger 4.0 for Mac will be included as well.

By comparing some of the news documents Microsoft released we assume that the release date will be at least on the 1st of June this year, and probably not before May.

The only changes that we know of are the integration with office 2004, and a Italian version will be available as well.

 MSSGS by MSN Messenger
MSSGS by MSN Messenger

SLim_Shady says ( 06 Jan 2004 ):


1st ØfÅll...  Ï(L) mYsËlF !
Life is about getting your messages across
The way you want it, to whom you want it.
Show your emotions.
Show your love, happiness, anger and even your shame.
It’s you.
It’s the true you.

MSSGS by MSN Messenger is a new clothing line opened in
The Netherlands!

WãÑñà ë×Þ®È$§ Ûr fËêLïÑg$? Or just lookin' 4 sum :D clothes? A :P bikini? Or may b a shirt 4 ur (&)? U'll find summttin' (Y) on MSSGS by MM fo' sho' ;-)

 Blobsy, the Open Source Messenger Bot
Blobsy, the Open Source Messenger Bot

dwergs says ( 05 Jan 2004 ):


blobsyTwo weeks ago, jaa released a PHP MSN Messenger bot as an open source project. Its not a bot for doing one specific task, but rather acts as a bot framework so that developers can easily provide traditional bot functionality by using extensible scripts (sorta like Eggdrop for IRC). The bot can be installed and administered via a browser-based control panel.

More information, help and a scripting guide for developers can be found on its website, along with a sample script which adds Google searching abilities.

 Beware for password hoaxes
Beware for password hoaxes

dwergs says ( 05 Jan 2004 ):


Still many people fall for fake "MSN Service" emails asking for their passwords, risking the total loss of their Hotmail as well as MSN Messenger accounts. MSN will never ask for your password through email and all official MSN communication can be recognised by the little butterfly icon preceding the email in your Inbox:

 MSN Messenger mock virus spam
MSN Messenger mock virus spam

dwergs says ( 05 Jan 2004 ):


The following message is being broadcasted all around MSN Messenger as we speak:

"dont add dar0nb0y[snipped] its a mock virus, tell it to everybody on ur msn bcuz if somebody on your list accepts it then u get the virus too"

Variations mention other email addresses: babe_4[snipped] & mysz_[snipped] It can be classified as SPIM: SPam through Instant Messaging. Don't let yourself be used by it... don't participate ;)

[Reported by: Ashley, Eric Tiko and ender]

 Chatbots that need some testing
Chatbots that need some testing

dwergs says ( 04 Jan 2004 ):


With the recent boom of intelligent chatbots and the knowledge available to create your own, a lot of amateur programmers are making their virtual alter ego's. I've been contacted by a few asking for help and beta-testers, so here they are... the bots of tomorrow:

>> Bot of the Year, looking for testers to improve it. Add

>> Klan X, add If you want to become an offical beta tester and email

>> needs some volunteers to help finish the bot up. There is no need for you to know Perl, but if you do it may help him out.

>> is also looking for beta testers. Contact him for more info.

Please note that these guys don't require hundreds of betatesters. So only apply if you feel motivated & suitable enough for the job.

Click Here!

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