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MSN custom colors for your font! MSN Emoticons list overview! Find a Date for online chats! Quality Hosting specials for Messers! free msn games

 Remove tabs from MSN Messenger 7
Remove tabs from MSN Messenger 7

timothy says ( 02 Oct 2004 ):


If you want to remove your tabs from MSN Messenger 7 Beta:

  • Hit start -> run -> regedit

  • Look for the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ MSNMessenger \ PerPassportSettings

  • Open all the sections consisting out of a number combination.

  • Select the DWORD DisableTabs (if not present, create it)

  • Change its value to 1

  • Repeat this step at all number combinations

  • Close and restart MSN Messenger

  • >> Or you can just download Huuf's Tab Enabler/Disabler.

     It's out there! Download: MSN Messenger 7 BETA now!
    It's out there! Download: <b>MSN Messenger 7 BETA</b> now!

    dwergs says ( 02 Oct 2004 ):


    Seven is on the loose!!

    Many websites are distributing the beta build of the unreleased MSN Messenger 7.0.0205 already. I guess that means NO for the "select testers" plan Microsoft had in mind, because thanks to an unknown beta tester we can today offer you an exclusive peak at MSN Messenger 7 before the rest of the world.

    >> Download MSN Messenger 7 BETA (7.0.0205).

    >> Download MSN Messenger 7.0.0205 Polygamy by Huuf.

    >> MSN Messenger 7 is NOT Messenger Plus compatible. But our handy IEDP 2 seems to be the first compatible add-on.

    Oh, and by the way, seems like we were right on the spot with our blurry screenshot and Timothy's composite back in August after all! :D

     Added: Shark Tale Display Pictures
    Added: Shark Tale Display Pictures

    dwergs says ( 02 Oct 2004 ):


    Shark Tale, the new Dreamworks movie set in the world of saltwater fish, is the story of what happens when the son of the shark boss of a fish crime shark tale display picturesfamily is killed by a dropped anchor, and a bottom-feeder named Oscar is found at the scene of the crime. Hoping to win favor with the enemies of the ganglord, the fast-talking hustler poses as the killer known as the "sharkslayer", but soon learns it's a dangerous game in a world where the big fish generally eat the little fish...

    I'm probably gonna see the movie myself tonight but I've already created 60 Shark Tale display pictures for you guys. Hope you like them.

    >> Browse 60 Shark Tale display pictures.

    >> Buy Shark Tale posters and other stuff at or

     First and Only Wireless Messaging Device
    First and Only Wireless Messaging Device

    dwergs says ( 01 Oct 2004 ):


    ogo msn messengerAll of those messages typically confined to the desktop are about to be unleashed with Ogo™ - a radically new, hip, and affordable mobile messaging device for the masses, particularly teens and young adults.

    Introduced yesterday and available exclusively from AT&T Wireless, Ogo is the first and only wireless messaging device to provide unlimited instant messaging and email from all three leading providers - AOL, MSN, and Yahoo! - plus text messaging, all in a sleek, simple-to-use device.

    At an affordable device price of $99 (after $30 mail-in rebate) with unlimited messaging plans starting at only $17.99 per month, Ogo provides customers with a wireless messaging device priced for the typical consumer. Ogo gives customers the freedom to stay connected to their online communities while on-the-go.

    Designed to appeal to the youth market and consumers of all ages, AT&T Wireless believes that Ogo may benefit millions of parents who simply want to reclaim their home computers. And, today's youth no longer have to choose between 'logging-on' or 'heading-out' since Ogo lets them do both at the same time.

    [Source:] [Try it: Ogo homepage]

     MSN launching Irish site
    MSN launching Irish site

    dwergs says ( 01 Oct 2004 ):


    Microsoft will on Monday launch an Irish version of its Internet portal MSN, which comes complete with Irish content and new advertisers.

    The company said that the new portal had been launched to meet the needs of both Irish web users and advertisers, who until now were forced to interact with or Globally, Microsoft has some 40 localised MSN portals, including about 20 in Europe.

    The launch will include the actual site, which has been designed using a new layout that will be replicated on other MSN sites around the world and is already being put in place in bigger markets such as the US and UK. Migration of Irish Hotmail<:b> users to an Irish Hotmail webpage will occur in November, the firm said.


     MSN Messenger 7 - Private Beta, Next Week
    MSN Messenger 7 - Private Beta, Next Week

    Pure_BY says ( 01 Oct 2004 ):


    According to and reliable sources, MSN are planning to release Messenger 7 into beta testing on BetaPlace as early as next Tuesday. We exclusively revealed the new client yesterday amongst a lot of hype and anticipation. MSN were due to encorporate some added features into MSN Messenger 7 but it seems like these are delayed until a later "wave". For those wondering, a "wave" is a release (be it .1 or major).

    MSN Spaces integration: Blogging straight from MSN Messenger Window

    Personal Information Management: Intergration with MSN Explorer to truely manage your contacts and build lots of information about them.

    Since MSN Messenger 7 is now due to beta next week, the public preview will follow in November and an earlier final release is now expected.

    The latest build is 207 and we'll keep you updated as always ;)

    >> Read full article at


    P.S. Some of you have probably noticed that Pure_BY is a new name @ Well, that's old SLim_Shady ;)

     Added: MadTV, Beyoncé, Britney, Alicia & Christina DP's
    Added: MadTV, Beyoncé, Britney, Alicia & Christina DP's

    dwergs says ( 30 Sep 2004 ):


    Thanks to our second display picture competition we see great new display pictures added every single day! Here's some new categories we were able to create or expand significantly:

    mad tv display pictures>> Browse 25 MadTV display pictures by kamahlitude.

    >> Browse 71 Alicia Keys display pictures (mostly) by lpchick.

    >> Browse 335 Christina Aguilera display pictures (mostly) by lpchick.

    >> Browse 424 Britney Spears display pictures (mostly) by lpchick.

     MSN Messenger 7 Revealed!
    MSN Messenger 7 Revealed!

    zipp says ( 29 Sep 2004 ):


    So, you wanted to know what is going to be in MSN Messenger 7? Well here it is! has revealed to us all what is expected to be in the next major release of the great MSN Messenger client.

    Here are a list of the expected upcoming features!

    - Winks: Winks allow you to send kisses, hearts and all sorts of silly cartoons to your contacts.

    - Nudge: Nudge allows you to send a "shake" to your contact. Both your own and your contacts MSN Messenger window will shake, much like how Internet Explorer windows shake using the correct javascript.

    - Download packs: Download packs will allow users to grab winks/emoticons/display pictures and backgrounds straight from MSN. As these currently don't work we were unable to test them.

    - Games: Chess Club, Bankshot Billiards Club are included if you're a Instant Games Clubhouse member. Standard Checkers/Solitaire Showdown/Bejeweled/Minesweeper Flags and Tic Tac Toe are still included.

    - Activities: Activities allow you to share files, calendars, photos and perform tasks such as remote assistance.

    - Deluxe Display Pictures: Although these are unavailable it seems like MSN are going to supply animated display pictures.

    The build in question is 7.0.0205 and carries the beta tag throughout. The main MSN Messenger window is redesigned to show your display picture and includes the ability to scroll through tabs. There's no new options in the main options menu but you can change the position of the tab icons. When a contact signs in using MSN Messenger 6 or above you get the contact's display picture on the sign in toast. Custom emoticons are still the same, they still do not animate or allow animated GIFs etc. Check out the screenshots below for more features and the general user interface. MSN Messenger 7.0 is expected to be released into beta on November 11th this year with a general 'MSN Messenger Wave 10' release as late as February 2005.

    Also, 3Degrees has finally been incorporated into the MSN Messenger client. This allows users to listen to music together and share photos for example.

    Here are some of the new graphical changes which have been reported, as commented by Rolando:

    - New user interface: Although the conversation windows haven't changed much, the 'sign-in' and 'contact list' windows have had some nice new changes. The display picture is now shown in the contact list window as well, and the menubar is now disposable. You will also see an away or busy status icon beside the contact's icon. An MSN web search bar has been included at the bottom.

    - Options dialog: The options dialog has had some major improvements. You won't see icons anymore and the menu is now a list placed on the left of the dialog.

    - New installer: Some nice graphical changes have been noted in the installer as well where you can see a new blue msn guy beneath a green one. This logo has been noted a lot lately.

    Enough with the talk, here are some screenshots from Neowin's creamhackered:

    >> Installer
    >> Sign in as
    >> Contact List | #2
    >> Conversation Window
    >> Winks | Emoticons | Nudge | Winks - 3Degrees
    >> Download Packs | Activities | Games | Contact Card
    >> Options | #2 | #3
    >> About MSN Messenger 7

    Note: This is a beta version and is not available for download.

    >> Discuss the next major release in our Forums!


    [Reported by: Timothy, Rolando, Big_Pimpin_4209, jameseuk]

     Happy birthday Zero1 !!
    Happy birthday Zero1 !!

    timothy says ( 28 Sep 2004 ):


    pipo Another happy day has arrived at! Our long time servant of the mess community has gained another year. So lets all be joyful with the aging of comrade Zero1!

    Or in normal English, happy birthday Zero1 !!!!

    Ps. We hired a clown for your party, hope you like him...

    - Send him a clown / personal congratulation.

     3 years of M3SS.B3! That deserves a big treat
    <b>3 years of M3SS.B3!</b> That deserves a big treat

    dwergs says ( 27 Sep 2004 ):


    Olé! Your favorite MSN Messenger resource, Mess with MSN Messenger, turns 3 today!

    Our unofficial birthday passed by quietly (12th of September 2001, according to the first free stats service we used and actually I uploaded the site to the webspace the day before). But the 3rd birthday of our web address: (registered 27th of September 2001) will not go by unnoticed, because we're bringing back... "The Monster".

    YES! The forum is back for the -I believe- sixth time!!!

    It's been tested for a couple of weeks by a selected few and now it's open to the public. So go ahead, read the rules, then register to join the biggest community of MSN Messenger (ab)users.

    A big shout out to Zero1, Sean, ZiPP, Timothy and wabz for technical and administrative assistance. Big thanks to Dan Clark, Sean McRobbie and Seb Skuse for the forum graphics and skin. And last but not least thanks to all contributors to and the millions of visitors from the past three years.

    Thanks for Messing with MSN Messenger! Today is all about you!

    Oh, and the next couple of months are going to be VERY EXCITING... Mark my words ;)

    >> Read the forum rules.

    >> Register to join the biggest MSN Messenger community.

     Free Hotmail halts Outlook integration
    Free Hotmail halts Outlook integration

    dwergs says ( 26 Sep 2004 ):


    On September 27th, new and existing free Hotmail customers who have not set-up their accounts to access Hotmail from Outlook or Outlook Express will no longer have access to this feature. Please note there is no change for subscription customers, both those with Primary or Secondary accounts.

    This change in an effort to help protect you from junk e-mail. (Note: If you have a free Hotmail account and you have already set up Hotmail to download to Outlook or Outlook Express, you can continue to use this feature.) Junk mail distributors (spammers) have been known to exploit MSN Hotmail accounts through Outlook and Outlook Express to send unwanted messages. By making this feature available only as part of a subscription service, MSN can more effectively help protect consumers. Requiring customers to provide billing information will help MSN to limit the amount of unsolicited e-mail that MSN members and others receive. If you currently have a free Hotmail account and you want to configure Hotmail to download to Outlook or Outlook Express, you can upgrade to MSN Hotmail Plus or MSN Premium. Both of these paid subscription services support this feature.

    [Reported by: detn8r]

     Added: Messenger:Mate Lite
    Added: Messenger:Mate Lite

    Pure_BY says ( 26 Sep 2004 ):


    Messenger:MateVersoworks Pty Ltd has created a new plugin for MSN Messenger, called Messenger:Mate. It intergrates to MSN Messenger just like MsgPlus! 3, and adds new features to your MSN Messenger, like Messenger polygamy (available in Pro version only), HTML chat logging (you will see things like default MSN emoticons, available in Pro version only), themes (screenshot) and Theme Compiler (screenshot), custom status on sign-in, large (up to 192x192) Display Pictures (available in Pro version only), docking of MSN Messenger to left/right side of the screen (available in Pro version only), grouping conversations to 1 window (screenshot), alerts when someone opens or closes conversation with you, delete you from his/her contactlist, etc. ...

    NOTE: Messenger:Mate is not Messenger Plus! 3 compatible!

    >> Download Messenger:Mate Lite

    >> Visit Official Messenger:Mate website for complete list of features or Pro version registration code

    >> View General Preferences screenshot

     Updated: MessengerDiscovery 2.6.0
    Updated: MessengerDiscovery 2.6.0

    dwergs says ( 26 Sep 2004 ):


    Another update to MessengerDiscovery was released last Friday by effekt. This also means that the download link to this addon has finally been fixed (sorry, folks). Lots of new stuff has been added and the feature list is becoming huge:

    - Multiline nicknames;
    - Send and receive "buzzez" (i.e. !buzz wake up!);
    - Statuses for extended contact list;
    - Contact Custom Emoticon and Display Picture Archiver;
    - Block contact custom emoticons;
    - !quotes - store 4 contact previous messages;
    - !quoteme - quote your previous message;
    - !info - show contact Email, nick name, font (Bold, italic, Underline and Character set);
    - !imitate a contact.

    >> Download like you've never downloaded before: MessengerDiscovery 2.6.0.

    Click Here!

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