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Virus Threat: W32.Sobig.F@mm
 dwergs says ( 23 Aug 2003 ):
Just a heads up, Messers! The W32.Sobig.F@mm worm is on the loose and apparently -judging from dozens of e-mails- it has already reached a lot of you (even through a spoofed address). Use Symantec's removal tool if you want to make sure your system is clean.
ALWAYS be wary of e-mail attachments, even if they appear to originate from people you know!
[More info: Symantec] |
Get the latest news delivered as a MSN-like toast
 dwergs says ( 23 Aug 2003 ):
We've teamed up with D'z from for beta-testing an original way of informing hardcore Messers about the latest updates and behind-the-scenes information.
NewsPop delivers the latest headlines to YOU through an alert box comparable to MSN Messenger's toast when somebody signs in or opens a convo. Every 5 minutes, the application checks our site for news or messages from the team, and communicates them to your desktop directly. Later -after betatesting- this engine could be integrated into other (MSN Messenger) apps.
Download NewsPop (Messed Edition) here. If you discover any bugs, get in touch with dayle_college * (* = @). Thanks for beta-testing and you'll hear from us :) |
Returned: MSN Block Checker. Find out who's blocking you!
 dwergs says ( 23 Aug 2003 ):
Behold, the reincarnation of the MSN Block Checker! And we have the coding boy wonder UnderDOC and the devoted Daniel from MSNFanatic to thank for it.
This online status spy tool is slightly different from the previous one. It will remember the result of a certain status check for 15 minutes, because it turned out some paranoid people were spying on their suspects every 5 seconds and for hours and hours. In return, we get more stability.
On the other side, Triople (the official name this block checker goes by) is much more efficient at verifying the real status of your contacts.
Give the new MSN Block Checker a go and we'll see how long this fella stays up & working :)
UPDATE: MSN Block Checkers do NOT work anymore! |
About MSN 6 Detonation: a message to all the worried messers
 timothy says ( 23 Aug 2003 ):
We have received various e-mail-, IRC-, MSN- and even SMS messages from worried messers who tried to run MSN 6 Detonation on their PC along with Norton Anti virus. Even before you could launch the program, Norton prompts with the message that it contains a "Hacktool" virus and removes it.
We take those messages very seriously, so we analyzed the program into little bits. And looked up information what Symantec defines under a "Hacktool".
Our results:
- the program only does what it is suppose to do, and does not contain any functions or references that can hurt your system in any way. In other words it does not steal any information from your computer and is just a flooder (as it is supposed to be) - Definition of hacktool: a program to help you hack a computer, or to discomfort another computer user (we can put this program in the last category).
Don't be supervised if you find more programs on that will pop up as a "hacktool" if you are using Norton. Symantec is just very strict with those things.
So if you don't run a virus scanner that hates tools like this, don't be afraid to use it. If you are using a virus scanner that dislikes "hacktools" disable it before you run it.
Note: If you find a new program that triggers your virus scanner, don't hesitate to report it. We will try to find out if its a virus, or just a "hacktool" that people don't like.
Thanks to all the people who reported this. |
Introducing: DestructiveChild chatterbot for MSN
 dwergs says ( 22 Aug 2003 ):
MSN Messenger buddy lists are becoming more and more crowded with intelligent chatbots and we like it. A new bot on the block is DestructiveChild, a creation by British Nimrod, and definitely worth adding to your list: destructivechild * (replace the * with @).
Typing \commands will print the different command categories: games, humour, tools, complex functions and bot functions. The options are very elaborated and this artificial buddy offers interaction with other contacts next to useful information and a lot of fun stuff.
Oh, but don't try to spam him because you will simply get blocked. |
New Usability Poll: Do you use our top drop down menu?
 dwergs says ( 22 Aug 2003 ):
One third of all Messers got infected with the Lovsan/Blaster worm last week. Despite all media attention and the early coverage (that one saved at least 150 of you, thanks to D'z), almost 20% didn't have the slightest idea what the fuzz was all about :S
Anyway, this week I want to know if you girls & boys actually use the pulldown/dropdown menu boxes I've added on top of this page two months ago (the ones that say [Information], [Customization], etc). Their future life and presence depends on you ;) Please vote here. |
Updated MSN Messenger EULA questioned
 dwergs says ( 21 Aug 2003 ):
Yesterday, The Inquirer brought to our attention that Microsoft's recent push towards upgrading your MSN Messenger clients could be linked to the updated end user licence agreement (EULA) of this product. The dubious part is this sentence:
"The Microsoft reserves the right to replace, modify or upgrade the SOFTWARE at any time by offering you a replacement or modified version of the SOFTWARE or such upgrade and to charge for such replacement, modification or upgrade."
According to The Inquirer staff, it could mean that Microsoft may charge fees whenever it wants, and that you also have to stop using the software if the firm decides.
Don't panic just yet. Although there are some plans and ideas for additional paid services, the core functionality of MSN Messenger will probably always remain completely free.
[Read more:] |
Exclusive: MSN Messenger 6.1 Update
 timothy says ( 21 Aug 2003 ):
A new detail on MSN Messenger 6.1 has been discovered. Microsoft is going to add "MSN Explorer subscriber only features". The first feature that popped up from the beta site is the MSN Photos Plus feature. This feature seems to be unavailable in beta phase so we can only suggest it is going to be a photo sharing part inside MSN Messenger.
To take a look at the new Launch site menu click here.
If you are a more advanced user, you can get the new MSN Launch menu, by changing into in your configcache.xml / AppDir.
On a side note, the MSN Groups site will be restyled. |
How to crash Trillian users with a regular MSN client.
 timothy says ( 20 Aug 2003 ):
Looks like Trillian can’t handle a little protocol modification. A simple change to your own Messenger Client will allow you to crash users of the Trillian client.
1. Open up the MSN Messenger execute in a HEX editor. 2. Change the string TypingUser: to something like HypingUser: and save it. 3. Open up a conversation with a Trillian user, and watch him die in despair... eeh... go offline.
Big thanks for huuf for pointing this out and for Trillian that has still not fixed this after he reported 2 months ago.
Some of you have must've noticed this problem already when using flur's Nega Patch. That's why he's been releasing separate patches without the "User is Typing" message disabler ever since we reported. |
Follow-up: Big Sister has been watching you
 dwergs says ( 20 Aug 2003 ):
Last month we informed you about Big Sister, a project backed by SpyBoy, Nitro, KTC, 404, Zinho and ElectroPhreak in which over 400 individuals (including a famous British radio presenter) were spied upon through MSN Messenger & Hotmail. Contrary to what clueless critics claim, people like Underdoc, Greenboy and myself have verified this project to be authentic and in fact Microsoft has been notified and is busy patching right now.
In the meantime, and with the same seriousness as Microsoft's MSN Messenger update demands, we would like to advise the victims listed here to immediately change their passwords, if they haven't done so already. SpyBoy assures you none of the obtained information was exploited, changed or deleted.
More information can be requested at spyboy * (* = @). |
Released: Desktop Sidebar 1.03 Build 44
 dwergs says ( 20 Aug 2003 ):
The aim of Desktop Sidebar is provide you with instant access to some of your most important daily information in Windows 2000 or XP. The reason why we post it here is the integrated Messenger Panel that displays your contacts from Windows Messenger. Additionally, this new 1.03 build 44 version includes a POP3 Mail Checker panel, Longhorn Clock, Network Monitor, support for RSS Auto-discovery and automatic HTML to RSS conversion in Newsroom panel and many more small enhancements and bug fixes.
Download it from the Desktop Sidebar Home Page. |
More on the Upgrade "Spam"
 dwergs says ( 20 Aug 2003 ):
Some MSN users reported receiving a dozen or more copies of Microsoft's demand to upgrade (mentioned in Johnny_Mac's news post below). The message resembles a hoax or prank. The first line is all capital letters: "ATTENTION: IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED FOR MSN AND WINDOWS MESSENGER USERS."
Scary huh?
However, the message is genuine and sent by Microsoft to all users of older Messenger clients and third-party clients that to Microsoft's network look like older Messenger clients. A relatively small number of people got multiple e-mail messages because of a "snafu" in Microsoft's e-mail system.
Microsoft isn't necessarily locking out third party software like Trillian with this change. "We are very interested in interoperating with all third parties, there just needs to be a formal agreement," spokesman Sean Sundwall said.
**UPDATE: In the United Kingdom, it seems this upgrade notice also included the promotion of a pay-per-play lottery game :S More here.
[Source:] |
Updated: Web Based MSN Messenger
 dwergs says ( 19 Aug 2003 ):
Easily logging into MSN Messenger from Internet Explorer (or any other browser)... it's been possible ever since Jared started developing his excellent Web Based MSN Messenger. All it takes is finding the "Sign In" button on its webpage and you're ready to chat with your buddies without running MSN Messenger.
The most recent version is extremely stable, fast and reliable. Users will also be able to submit skins for the buddy list & conversations (using XSL files). Still, the main interface remains sober which improves loading times on slower computers.
If you're experiencing any trouble with the Web Based MSN Messenger, describe & e-mail your problems to contact * (replace * with @). |
Microsoft force security upgrade closes older versions
 Johnny_Mac says ( 19 Aug 2003 ):
MSN and Windows Messenger users across the land have been receiving e-mails informing them that Microsoft is to stop supporting older versions of the messenger clients.
The minimum versions of each client you can use are:
- MSN Messenger 5.0 (or above) - Windows Messenger 4.7.2000 (or above) - MSN Messenger for Mac 3.5
Microsoft has also decided to call it a day on their MSN Companion client and will have discontinuing support for MSN Companion by mid-October 2003.
[View: MSN Messenger Upgrade] [View: Copy of e-mail] [Source: ieXbeta] |
Full MSN Messenger 6.0 skin: MSN Aqua X by Jab Inc
 dwergs says ( 19 Aug 2003 ):
I didn't know this until Matt told me, but Jab Inc. has made an MSN Messenger 6.0 version of its popular MSN Aqua X skin and it looks a little something like this. This is a "full skin" for MSN, meaning your built-in emoticons will be replaced, as well as other graphics that -unlike display pictures and backgrounds- aren't customizable. This implies downloading a modified (English!) build 0602 and you can do so right here.
If you want to uninstall the full skin again, just remove MSN Messenger and re-install it again from Microsoft's official download site.
[Reported by: Matt from] |
We're Going Worldwide
 dwergs says ( 19 Aug 2003 ):
Boy do we feel patriotic today!
First of all there's a new tool to be used with Messenger Plus! 2, which is much like an offline version of our Plus! Country Flags page, which allows you to plug your country's main symbol into a Plus! powered MSN conversation. The flag codes by Midas were integrated by Sherv into a piece of software called Color Flags. Download it here. [Note: Our download server is experiencing problems, if the download doesn't work please retry later]
Secondly, about hundred emoticons -courtesy of Sherv- representing the same amount of countries have been added to our gallery of free MSN emoticons. At least import YOUR flag emoticon as a tribute to your country :)
[Big thanks to:] |
MSN Messenger Version 6.1 !?
 Wolkje says ( 18 Aug 2003 ):
Looks like another update to MSN is coming soon! Microsoft's internal site has been changed to version 6.1 all of a sudden. But when you actually read the page, it gives us no updates at all. Oh well, you can see the page here! By the way, downloading the file will just give you version 6.0, so don't bother trying!
We will keep you posted on more updates on MSN 6, in the meantime we expect it's going to release together with MSN Explorer 9 Beta.
Thnx for the tip TWDman and timothy for the inside information. |
Updated: ChatBlocker 1.7
 dwergs says ( 18 Aug 2003 ):
ChatBlocker 1.7 has been released last week. The new version fixes a Windows 95/98 bug and also now prevents the user from changing the system/date and time!
ChatBlocker is a shareware parental control application for moderating and restricting chat conversations with MSN Messenger, AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, Trillian, mIRC, etc. It allows you to easily setup time slots in which you wish to allow chat conversations. It also comes with many security features, e-mail log delivery, alerts, stealth mode, etc.
More information and a demo can be found here.
*NOTE: Does not record MSN6 conversations yet. |
Eek! What's that icon doing there?
 dwergs says ( 18 Aug 2003 ):
You may have noticed the sudden appearance of a scary red square with a white cross on the news date bar. For the less adventurous clickers among you, that goes straight to our pseudo-temporary-etc. eXit blog. Check it out every once in a while, it's our careful selection of non-MSN related (yet worthwile) sites across the web.
If you want to join the worldwide army of Bloggers yourself, you can do so within the next 2 minutes using this free blog service (a Dutch version here). Critics are whispering it's even better than Blogger. | upgrades your .TK domain
 dwergs says ( 17 Aug 2003 ):
So you have your free .tk domain (or you fancy one)? Three sites linking to will be upgraded to (or awarded with) a paid .TK domain plan (worth $9.95). More information and instructions can be found here.
PS: Winners of the Mood Display Pictures compo will be announced end of August, so this the last call if you're interested in winning gift certificates. |
Fifth custom MSN Messenger game released: Chess
 dwergs says ( 17 Aug 2003 ):
Kings, Queens and Knights crowd your MSN Messenger 6 with a new custom MSN game developed by Koen and visualised by neil. Yes, you guessed it: Chess is now publicly released so check (it out) mate! |
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