Main/News >> News Archives > The week of October 03 (2004) (you are here)

MSN custom colors for your font! MSN Emoticons list overview! Find a Date for online chats! Quality Hosting specials for Messers! free msn games

 Added: an action movie Display Picture bonanza part 3
Added: an action movie Display Picture bonanza part 3

dwergs says ( 09 Oct 2004 ):


james bond display picturesThis third display picture bonanza, focused mainly on action movies, is brought to you by Alsotop (aka t49) and wormo from

>> Browse 31 The X-Files display pictures by wormo.

>> Browse 55 Fight The Future display pictures by alsotop.

>> Browse 22 James Bond - Golden Eye display pictures by alsotop.

>> Browse 16 James Bond - Tomorrow Never Dies display pictures by alsotop.

>> Browse 29 Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark display pictures by wormo.

>> Browse 20 Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom display pictures by wormo.

>> Browse 10 new Family Guy display pictures by alsotop.

 MSN Messenger for Mac overhauled even more by MSN Messenger 7
MSN Messenger for Mac overhauled even more by MSN Messenger 7

dwergs says ( 08 Oct 2004 ):


MSN Messenger 4 for Mac logoAfter analysing MSN Messenger 7, RJT ran its features through an updated comparison table and the results prove a shocking trend whereby the level of compatibility between Mac and Windows versions has now dropped from 33% to 26%.

The MSN Messenger for Mac online petition aims at complete compatibility and equality between the Windows and Mac versions of the instant messaging software and was signed by 10,316 people already.

>> Sign the MSN Messenger for Mac petition.

 Added: A Simple Life, Reese Witherspoon and Election DP's
Added: A Simple Life, Reese Witherspoon and Election DP's

dwergs says ( 08 Oct 2004 ):


You either love them or hate them: Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, George W. Bush, John Kerry and legally blonde Reese Witherspoon:

>> Go to the Presidential Election special with 8 display pictures you can "wear".

>> Browse 28 A Simple Life display pictures.

>> Browse 29 Reese Witherspoon display pictures.

 Winks still to be included in final MSN Messenger 7
Winks still to be included in final MSN Messenger 7

dwergs says ( 08 Oct 2004 ):


msn messenger 7 winksA new beta-test version of MSN Messenger 7, one without the Winks feature, will be made available to a group of testers probably some time next week, a Microsoft spokeswoman said. The company, however, has decided to club the Wink feature -aimed at the 18- 24 age group- in the final release, after cementing the hole in it.

Meanwhile, if you still want to use the MSN Messenger 7 beta despite the security risk, use this CVR Patcher but please do read our recommendations in the news post below.


 How to keep using the MSN Messenger 7 BETA
How to keep using the MSN Messenger 7 BETA

dwergs says ( 07 Oct 2004 ):


As you probably know now already, Microsoft has blocked the leaked beta of MSN Messenger 7 from being used, because we found a way to exploit its Winks feature and make it do awful things to one's computer system.

We understand that, despite the security risk, some of our fearless users would like to continue using the freshest MSN Messenger and thanks to Inky you can now do so with the help of the CVR Patcher.

>> Download CVR Patcher and keep using MSN Messenger 7.0.0205.

If you chose to keep using the MSN Messenger 7.0.0205 BETA we strongly recommend that you:

1) Block all the contacts you don't trust for 100%

2) In MSN Messenger, go to Tools > Options > Privacy and make sure "Only people on my Allow List can see my status and send me messages" is ticked. All others should be in the top of your Block List.

3) Read our FAQ on How to disable Winks in a conversation.

UPDATE: We've been informed by Huuf, Thenex and others that reshacking the version number to something like 6.2.0137 is just as effective at re-enabling MSN Messenger 7.0.0205. If you don't know what reshacking is then don't worry and just use the patch above.

 Sad MSN Messenger 7 Beta News: no winks, no sign-in
Sad MSN Messenger 7 Beta News: no winks, no sign-in

Pure_BY says ( 07 Oct 2004 ):


Following on from our security alert this week MSN have not only delayed the release of an external beta but they're planning to remove crucial new features temporarily. According to sources close to MSN, MSN Messenger 7 beta will ship without 'winks' and deluxe display pictures. Currently it's easy for hackers to exploit the code of winks to display any flash movies on a users computer for any amount of time.

MSN took the decision following the public announcements of the exploits. We're unsure whether 'winks' are going to be axed from MSN Messenger 7 or whether MSN are merely revamping them to be included in later betas.

Yesterday, The Messenger team has implemented a CVR update that will force all existing MSN Messenger V7.0 users to downgrade to V6.2. Anyone running MSN Messenger V7.0 build 0205 needs to downgrade. If you do not downgrade, you will be unable to sign into the Messenger service. We're unsure whether this will effect other builds.


 Sign up for the Alerts for news as it happens!
Sign up for the Alerts for news as it happens!

dwergs says ( 06 Oct 2004 ):


Already 4409 hardcore messers have signed up to receive our news through alerts on MSN Messenger. The alerts appear for a couple of seconds as toasts (as if somebody just signed in) only a few minutes after news was added to this website. On average, we have two or three news items per day. You can unsubscribe at any moment, but why should you?

So, if you want to be the first to know about all the cool MSN Messenger 7 stuff and other interesting Mess info then sign up here. You can chose between MSN Messenger or e-mail alerts... or both (just in case you missed the alert in messenger).

>> Sign up for the News Alerts.

 Added: Show "Hide tab checkbox" for MSN Messenger 7
Added: Show

Pure_BY says ( 06 Oct 2004 ):


Huuf has discovered a hidden feature in MSN Messenger 7 that let's you show/hide tabs straight from Messenger's Options window, and he created a small program that makes this feature visible.

All you have to do is:
1. Start MSN Messenger and sign in
2. Open the Options dialog and click on Tabs
3. Start the program
4. Click the button and then click OK
5. You now have an extra option in your Tabs Options!

Note: you need to run it everytime you reopen the Options dialog.

>> Download Show "Hide tab checkbox" for MSN Messenger 7

 Added: George W. Bush & John Kerry Display Pictures
Added: George W. Bush & John Kerry Display Pictures

dwergs says ( 05 Oct 2004 ):


george bush display pictureBoth presidential candidates Bush and Kerry have been given a parody treatment in almost 100 MSN display pictures based on's Build a Better Bush and The Many Faces of Kerry. Our gallery full of free MSN Messenger content is still slow at times but we're working again on improving its speed! All you need is a little patience to access our 18620 display pictures and over 5000 custom emoticons.

>> Browse 45 John Kerry display pictures.

>> Browse 52 George W. Bush display pictures.

This is also our last call for the George W. Bush and John Kerry emoticons competition we're running. We received four cool entries already, but if you think you're a pixel genius then get drawing!

 New MSN Cards design available Thursday
New MSN Cards design available Thursday

dwergs says ( 05 Oct 2004 ):


msn cardsStarting next Thursday (October 7th), a new design (pictured to the right) will become available at the MSN Cards Store.

This online shop, which is a service from MSN France, allows MSN Messenger users from France to order a set of 20 personalized contact cards with an MSN theme for free.

>> Learn more: What are MSN Cards and how to order them?

>> Order your free MSN Cards (France only).

 Messenger Plus! compatible with MSNM7 by the end of the month
Messenger Plus! compatible with MSNM7 by the end of the month

dwergs says ( 05 Oct 2004 ):


Patchou is happy to say that after three nights, a lot of Pepsi and yes, even some sushi, Messenger Plus! is already about 66% compatible with MSN Messenger 7. The biggest task is now to find a way to add the Plus! icon to the new contact list style, support custom names, etc.

With some luck, Patchou will be able to release a completely compatible version by the end of October or maybe even earlier.

>> Download Messenger Plus! (not compatible with MSN Messenger 7 yet).

[Source: Plus! Forums] [Reported by: RudivanZandwijk]

 Warning: Security risk when using MSN Messenger 7 BETA
<b>Warning</b>: Security risk when using MSN Messenger 7 BETA

dwergs says ( 05 Oct 2004 ):


msn messenger 7 wink blockerOnly hours after the MSN Messenger 7 beta leaked, our forum members and site admins were thoroughly researching and discussing the possibilities of exploiting the new Winks feature.

In no time,'s Timothy managed to clog up my system memory and show me the nasty images he oh-so-likes, because of the incapability of the current MSN Messenger 7.0.0205 beta build to successfully disable the automatic playback of Winks (now don't blame Microsoft, you weren't supposed to be using this version after all).

More malicious techniques than his are easy to think of and -we kid you not- can easily result in serious system damage. Like before and with the knowledge we have now even more so, we strongly advise against using the current MSN Messenger 7 BETA. If you want to carry on using and exploring the new version anyway, please take your time for the following:

>> Read our FAQ on how to disable winks in a conversation.

>> Download Timothy's Wink Blocker.

>> More bugs found in MSN Messenger 7.

This is to be considered a temporary solution. Ideally, you should wait for the official public release of MSN Messenger 7 or at least a future build of which we can confirm it fixes this issue. Meanwhile, we are today working on an easier and more effective security patch than the one described above.

 Stealing emoticons from your contacts in MSN Messenger 7
Stealing emoticons from your contacts in MSN Messenger 7

dwergs says ( 04 Oct 2004 ):


While you needed external tools for stealing your contact's emoticons before, custom emoticon theft has never been easier than with MSN Messenger 7.

>> Read our FAQ on how to save contact's emoticons in MSN Messenger 7 without an external stealer.

[Reported by Huuf and Josh]

 Bugs in the Attic: Where MSN Messenger 7 goes wrong
Bugs in the Attic: Where MSN Messenger 7 goes wrong

dwergs says ( 04 Oct 2004 ):


If you took the time to download MSN Messenger 7 Beta and use it for a while, chances are high you've encountered a few annoying bugs already. The most stable version of MSN Messenger is currently still 6.2.0137 so if you want smooth performance, downgrade to that one again (at MSN Messenger 7 is still weeks away from completion so errors and crashes are likely to occur.

To give you an idea of what is or can go wrong we are compiling a list of bugs and errors found in MSN Messenger 7.0.0205 on-the-fly. Please note that this list is in no way complete and absolute.

 Added: American Pie, One Piece and +18 Display Pictures
Added: American Pie, One Piece and +18 Display Pictures

dwergs says ( 04 Oct 2004 ):


american pie display pictures>> Browse 127 American Pie display pictures by lpchick and Sr_Colgao.

>> Browse 136 One Piece display pictures by Sr_Colgao.

+18/members only!:
>> Browse 28 erotic smiley display pictures by daedalus.

 FAQ: Removing tabs from MSN Messenger 7 BETA
FAQ: Removing tabs from MSN Messenger 7 BETA

dwergs says ( 04 Oct 2004 ):


msn messenger 7 tabsI keep getting asked the question how to remove tabs from the MSN Messenger 7 BETA, so together with an update to Huuf's Tab Enabler/Disabler I added the MSN Messenger 7 tabs question to the MSN Messenger FAQ.

>> Read how to remove the tabs from MSN Messenger 7 beta.

>> More about the MSN Messenger 7 beta.

 Get your custom content back in MSN Messenger 7
Get your custom content back in MSN Messenger 7

timothy says ( 03 Oct 2004 ):


When you install the MSN Messenger 7 BETA over your current MSN Messenger, you will notice that your imported display pictures, backgrounds and custom emoticons will not survive the update. Luckily, there are two easy ways to get your collection back and use all your custom content again.

>> Transfer your emoticons, display pictures and backgrounds from MSN Messenger 6 to MSN Messenger 7.

Note: This probably won't be an issue in the official MSN Messenger 7 release.

 Updated: Custom Games Patch for MSN Messenger 7
Updated: Custom Games Patch for MSN Messenger 7

dwergs says ( 03 Oct 2004 ):


Koen from has made his custom games patch compatible with the leaked MSN Messenger 7 BETA.

The custom games patch adds 11 addictive custom-build quality games -like Tetris, Chess, Yahtzee and Hangman- to MSN Messenger, as well as a couple of official MSN games only available to certain world regions.

>> Download the custom games patch. More info at

 Added: Patch! for MSN Messenger 7.0
Added: Patch! for MSN Messenger 7.0

dwergs says ( 03 Oct 2004 ):


Daniel has created a cosmetic patch that removes the following from MSN Messenger 7.0.0205 (it uses hardcoded offsets so it will probably only work for this build):

- MSN Today button
- Search bar
- Advertisement
- Actions pane (eg. "add contact")
- (BETA) tag

Make sure you exit MSN Messenger before applying this patch.

>> Download Patch! for MSN Messenger 7.0.0205.

>> Download MSN Messenger 7 BETA.

Click Here!

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