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Binsonite MSN Messenger chatbot updated to v1.1
 dwergs says ( 12 Apr 2003 ):
When bots appear on, their developers get lots of feedback and bug-testing takes place on a major scale. That's why only two days after its initial release, we're now distributing an updated version of the Binsonite chatterbot. If you are experiencing trouble with v1.0 earlier, try this one. |
Binsonite chatterbot entertains your contacts
 dwergs says ( 10 Apr 2003 ):
Binsonite is a smart little bot for both MSN 4.x & MSN 5.x, created by Steve Sanderson and based on the A.L.I.C.E. engine. You can make it take over any open conversation window to have a little fun with your contacts. Download here. |
SmarterChild will be your friend for $10
 dwergs says ( 10 Apr 2003 ):
Probably the most popular chatbot on MSN Messenger, SmarterChild, will carry a $9.99 per-year price tag from now on. The bot has been beefed up to include new research tools and fun features geared toward a younger, college-aged audience. In addition to providing a bevy of homework-oriented reference materials, SmarterChild can keep users' schedules, relay secret "crush" messages to other IM users and translate phrases in French, German, English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.
[Source: InstantMessagingPlanet] [More info:] |
Greenwich renamed to Microsoft Real-Time Communications Server
 dwergs says ( 10 Apr 2003 ):
The previously dubbed "Greenwich" technologies (including MSN Messenger Connect for enterprises) are now officially called: the Microsoft Real-Time Communications Server (MS RTC Server).
"Greenwich is standard for real time, so we thought it was appropriate," said Ed Simnett, lead project manager of Microsoft's Real Time Collaboration business unit.
Release date: Q3 of 2003. Price: Undisclosed.
Update of the MSN Helper addon to Build 30124
 dwergs says ( 10 Apr 2003 ):
Messenger Helper 2.10 Build 30124 has been released. There's no knowledge of actual changes but here's a quick overview of MSN Helper's most interesting features:
- compatible with both MSN 4.x & MSN 5.x - automatically log chats (in XML, HTML or TXT) and protect them with a password; - attributes for contacts like head portrait, displayed nicknames,...; - automatic replies based on your status; - auto check your POP e-mail; - use of the TTS technique to read aloud messages automatically, supporting Chinese, Japanese and English; - eliminate the banner ads; - etc...
Go ahead and download MSN Helper.
[Reported by SLim Shady] |
Beta-test Windows Messenger 5.0 (...officially)
 dwergs says ( 09 Apr 2003 ):
Jonathan Kay pointed me to this invitation e-mail posted on
"As an existing Microsoft beta participant, the Microsoft Windows Messenger 5.0 Product Team would like to invite you to participate in their upcoming beta program for Windows Messenger 5.0. We are currently offering the Beta to participants who use Instant Messaging regularly, and will keep the Beta open until the end of June, 2003.
Our goal is to have a well targeted group of testers willing to actively participate and provide useful feedback to our development team. Please carefully consider your willingness and ability to test Windows Messenger 5.0 Beta. Your feedback will be critical to the success of our product. Regular and consistent participation throughout the program is expected
Guest Beta ID: WinM5Beta
Participants will be chosen based on the survey results. You will only be contacted if you are selected to participate."
[Source: Neowin - Vote for here!] |
Block Buster v4 for MSN Messenger 4.x
 dwergs says ( 09 Apr 2003 ):
The third most popular add-on on, originally by Vivo and based on Kapdap's idea, has been updated by the Block buster team. I must say it looks a whole lot better and the logging has improved, but it refuses to work on MSN 5.x so be warned. Download Block Buster v4. |
yet another MSNicker update
 dwergs says ( 09 Apr 2003 ):
MSNicker v2.2 -the messenger tool to use any nickname without even logging off- fixes a small bug with super long coloured nicknames. Users experiencing problems will have to download the update. |
Are you being blocked? The online Status Checker returns!
 dwergs says ( 08 Apr 2003 ):
Our popular little spy tool caused the status indicator network some major trouble last week. But the online tool (v2.1) to verify the online status of any MSN account is back! Shout outs to Timothy, Tony & Phil for support. [Just a weird site that's linking us: msn top] |
Instant monitoring: NetIQ imMarshal for wealthy corporations
 m_chibi says ( 08 Apr 2003 ):
Instant Messaging applications from MSN, Yahoo! and others have wormed their way onto many office PCs.
Assuming they're aware of IM on their network, administrators have three options: ban it, regulate it or turn a blind eye. Banning such things usually just drives it underground but the security issues posed by IM are too important to ignore.
NetIQ's imMarshal for MSN monitors MSN Messenger use and provides access management, archiving of chat sessions, protection from viruses, real-time content analysis, file-transfer control and activity reporting. It provides customised enforcement for individuals and groups and only pre-approved content and communication is permitted, while objectionable or infected content and suspect parties can automatically be handled according to pre-specified actions.
Small detail: NetIQ imMarshal retails from about $2700 for 75 users, making it one of the most expensive add-ons out there! So employees, enjoy it now you still can, because as soon as they can afford to: they will be watching you!
[Source: TheAge] [More info:] [Reported by: WiriDaAss] |
AOL asks FCC to lift IM restriction
 m_chibi says ( 08 Apr 2003 ):
AOL Time Warner has submitted a petition asking to be excused from the instant messaging interoperability requirements imposed by the Federal Communications Commission. "Interoperability" is the hypothetical situation in which all instant messaging servers can be accessed by any client (MSN, AIM, Yahoo!,...).
The petition, made public by the FCC on Friday, asks the regulatory agency to remove a restriction forbidding America Online from offering video streaming through its popular instant messaging services. The FCC currently requires AOL to open its IM network to competitors if it launches "advanced" high-speed IM services as a condition to approving AOL's January 2001 merger with Time Warner that could make the media gorilla unfairly dominate the market.
[Source: ZDNET] [Reported by: CodeBraun] |
Instant MESSaging is taken over, secretly!
 m_chibi says ( 08 Apr 2003 ):
So it seems, Instant Messenger services are popping up every day. There are the giants, MSN, Y!, AIM, ICQ and every now and then, smaller companies come out. Slowly, every piece of the IM pie is getting smaller and is pushing us to where we no longer use telephones or emails or sometimes even face to face converstion.
This is not the end of the IM story, as you can read in the title: Instant messaging is taken over, secretly! Have you ever heard of Geodesic Mundu? NO?? It's currently in use by millions of users and its developer, Geodesic Information Systems, claims to be one of the top six instant messaging vendors in the world. [Source: Nwfusion] [More info: Mundu Messenger]
So much choice of IM-programs, I think I'll just be sticking to MSN Messenger.
[Reported and partly messed by Laser_Ice] |
Messenger Plus! Information Update
 Johnny_Mac says ( 08 Apr 2003 ):
Any addicted Plus! users out there, busy wondering what’s going on with the most popular messenger add-on? Then you're in luck.
Patchou has released information about a new version of Plus! which should be ready for public release in about 2 weeks time. The biggest improvements from the current version will be the newly added Multi-Language Support and Plus! will no longer be BETA software. Anyone wanting to see Patchou's comments on the new update can do so here.
On another note, noticing this weeks weekly poll, it seems that we're not the only one interested to know what merchandise messers would like. Messenger Plus! T-shirts will be available to order as soon as the new look msgplus! website goes online. Interested or not, you can see a sneak preview of what merchandise Patchou already has produced here!
Since the beginning of April, Plus! is the most downloaded add-on on! If you're still working out how Messenger Plus! 2 works, you can find all you need to know on our very own Messenger Plus! 2 Extension Page.
Remember, on you can find out all the latest news about Messenger Plus! and stay tuned for the upcoming release of the new version, new website and Plus! merchandise.
MSN Messenger 5.0.0544
 Johnny_Mac says ( 08 Apr 2003 ):
Microsoft has updated their MSN Messenger Service in the past 24 hours and as yet there is no update on the Whats New page.
- Download MSN Messenger for Windows XP
- Download MSN Messenger for Windows NT & 2000
- Download MSN Messenger for Windows 98 & ME
[Source: Neowin - Vote for here!] | presents New MSN Emoticon Pictures
 dwergs says ( 08 Apr 2003 ):
I've added 34 emoticon pictures to our database. Thanks to all visitors who submitted their artistic endeavors over the last months. And like always: more will be added pretty soon. |
New crew member
 timothy says ( 08 Apr 2003 ):
These days are busy days, most of the admins can not spend a full 24/24 on Mess. So we have decided to put a new person to our crew. You maybe recognize him as the I know the answer operator on our chat . But lets give a warm welcome to Wolkje ! |
Microsoft says it’ll take on Google
 m_chibi says ( 07 Apr 2003 ):
Microsoft Corp., the world's no. 1 software maker, on Wednesday said it is taking aim at privately held Google Inc., the Web-search company that’s so popular its name is used as a verb:
"We do view Google more and more as a competitor. We believe that we can provide consumers with a better product and a better user experience. That's something that we're actively looking at doing," said Bob Visse, director of marketing for Microsoft's MSN Internet services division.
Ehmm.. You guys decide which search engine would've driven you to this cool site faster & better: MSN Search or Google? :p
[Source: MSNBC] |
Quick note: GMessIn add-on updated
 dwergs says ( 07 Apr 2003 ):
Gil Shabthai's add-on is updated "in style":
- Download GMessIN 2.51 for MSN Messenger 4.x (WIN9X/ME/2000/XP).
- Download GMessIN5 2.00 for MSN Messenger 5.0 (WIN9X/ME/2000, not XP). |
Another KaZaA incident
 m_chibi says ( 07 Apr 2003 ):
Downloading Microsoft Windows 98 from KaZaA seems to be a bit hazardous as well. Extort, administrator at MSNfanatic was surfing for shareware and this popped up. Just be careful with what you download would be the lesson.
If you want to give your opinion, here is the topic. |
Lycos wants a piece of the action
 m_chibi says ( 07 Apr 2003 ):
Lycos Messenger
The email says:
Get Connected with Lycos Messenger Check out the new kid on the block! Lycos Messenger works with your existing Lycos Network user name, is compatible with the leading IM platforms, and allows you to import your existing buddy lists!
It looks like IM-programs are the way to the future and nobody is going to miss the train. Reported by Laser_Ice. |
KaZaA-loving Messers, be cautious!
 dwergs says ( 06 Apr 2003 ):
I just found MSN Messenger 5.2.exe on KaZaA. Now don't even think about downloading and instaling this file because it's a worm called Win32.Cult.B@mm. Hardly causing any system damage, it's still a nasty little fella you'd want to avoid. [More info:] |
More News on the Future of MSN & Windows Messenger
 dwergs says ( 06 Apr 2003 ):
An interesting article on IMPlanet takes a quick look into the future of Microsoft's Instant Messaging software:
- MSN Messenger 5.0 build 544 is an incremental update slated to ship as part of Microsoft's MSN 8.5, which was released to beta in recent weeks.
- MSN Messenger 6, which has not been released to beta testing yet, is said to incorporate client-side logging features, and will likely accompany the release of MSN 9.
- Windows Messenger 5.0 build 149 is a beta version of the business-focused IM client expected to ship as part of the "Greenwich" Real-Time Collaboration Server.
Added to Windows Messenger 5: - recognition of users' local e-mail & input from pen-enabled TabletPCs ("ink"); - support is added back in for launching a NetMeeting session from the client; - connection to three different messaging services: .NET Service, Exchange Messaging -which had disappeared in versions after 4.7.0106- and the "SIP Communications Service Account" based on Greenwich.
Vanished are: - the abilities to participate in chat rooms or to view another user's MSN profile. - the built-in ability to send a message to a user's mobile device, as well as a configuration option for your own mobile device, for receiving messages from other .NET Service users. - the Add-ins and Add-Ins Web site link are gone, as is Publish my Phone Number and Edit my Mobile Settings.
[Source: InstantMessagingPlanet] |
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